I found myself thinking about Cyberpunk 2077 while I watched this clip.
I haven’t played Cyberpunk 2077 yet.
you have to make uh uh an argument and uh uh convince people that way
The Adjuster made some good arguments and I think most of the country is convinced
The CEO should have made a good argument and convinced the guy not to shoot him
The CEO was defeated in the marketplace of ideas.
He sent 3 strong arguments the way of that CEO but never heard back from him. Absolutely ghosted.
all that boyblood, just to look wetter than Trump on his wettest day and have your brain short out worse than biden
He is 25 years younger than Biden
I don’t want to get into all the particulars here
— guy who got into zero particulars
— guy who didn’t say anything yet
He looks like a parboiled tomato
he really does
Like you could just peel his skin away
apparently I’ve never actually seen peter thiel before, wish I hadn’t
anyway good luck making an argument that can counter “you’re literally killing us”
why does he look like he just had VR goggles violently torn off his face with a pair of forceps
my god he is on so much speed
his mind is totally fragmented this is like been up for 48 hrs brain
He needs to spend some of that drug money on media training.
Just tattoo a phrase saying some bullshit like
“[Thing] is the worst form of [thing], except for all the others!”
can’t he needs to spend it all on rejuvenation treatments which at this point are only desperately countering the sheer damage he’s inflicting on himself with IV injections of dexamphetamine and benzos
for a guy who prides himself on his Machiavellian big-brain-ed-ness, agreeing to this interview was really dumb
like, surely he realizes putting himself in the spotlight is a mistake? I thought his whole thing was being influential from the shadows. His elitist politics doesn’t really hold up to direct UV radiation.
The ego is often irrepressible with these guys. Especially the Silicon Valley ones who are convinced they’re building the future and changing paradigms, of which Thiel might be the clearest example next to Musk.
I assume he thought Piers Morgan would make things as cruise as possible for him and edit out anything that looks bad
too bad for him Piersy boy is all about those television rattingz, baby! (i assume)
I have no idea. Piers is super conservative but probably just kinda daft
here lemme help convince you of my argument
Please know that this is not done to make fun of a stutter, which Peter Thiel is noted as having in other media sources; I just literally couldn’t track what was being said and wanted to get it all down.
um uh…mmm…it’s…uh…I well I I I I I ju I ju I don’t know what uh what to say I…I think I I still think you have you should try to make an argument and I I…I think this is this is you should you there may be things wrong with our healthcare system but you have you have to make an argument and you have to try to find a way to convince people and uh and and and and change it by by that and this is you know this is not going to work.
And um I don’t know it’s it’s it’s it’s yeah the the yeah there’re all sorts of things one could say about it but uh um I I don’t I don’t I don’t think and I I and I again I think you know I think the…the motives feel I I don’t I don’t I don’t wanna go into all the particulars here but I I don’t think um I don’t think there’s anything heroic about himI hope someone Luigi’s Peter and the rest of the fascist PayPal billionaires
These types of people are in these positions because they know exactly what they do and who it harms and exactly why it harms people, but they have zero issue profiting off it and hold everyone else in contempt. This fucker and his Paypal Mafia just bought an election.
The answer is Universal Healthcare but that conflicts with his inner crap-it-all-ist and needs to maintain that conflict for appearances. He’s only in that position because he was elevated by his peers. So he keeps catching himself because he knows he’s speaking to the public and not a closed board room.
Once you see how these people think, you can’t unsee it. The leaders and lobbyists of politicans think the same way. They really do know better, but they just don’t care and distain those who try to hamper thier profiteering and greedlust.
We did make an argument. We did convince people. Thiel and friends corrupted the media and the political process. Bloomberg threw in a billion dollars in 2020 to overshadow Bernie and buy himself into the primary last minunte to stop Bernie. I saw the corruption 1st hand in 2016 at Philadelphia as a delegate. They bought delegates out. They strong armed in wreckers and used their high paid union executives to do it. Talking to fellow lobbyists and delegates - they held us Bernie people with absolute contempt and distain.
In 2024 they couldn’t give a shit about the death and destruction they are responsible for.
That goes all the to top. CNN, the media - they know they are Orwell. I called that out to their face and a bunch CNN staffers scattered like roaches in the light. They are un-fixable. Peaceful protest. Letters and calls to an equally contemptuous staffer who has High High Hopes of
That’s what they think of the American public too. They hate you all. You’re in their way and annoying and they do not care. That is why when speaks no one is in the chamber. That is why “Bernie doesn’t get anything done”. That is why even when you do win the argument and you got a veto proof house, senate, governorship like California - policies always get shut down. Or even more recently the Equal Right Act for some fucking reason gets blocked by an unhead of unelected powerless rubber stamper and the gouls in power stop in their tracks and throw their arms up .
They got theirs. Fuck you.
i’m trying to think of an argument that would make it not be profitable to deny me healthcare
Dude looks like he’s withdrawing from whatever designer drugs he took some time ago.
“You should try to make an argument…” As though people haven’t done everything they could “the nice way” for over 20 years with zero results because the system and its leadership do not want to change and thus cannot be persuaded