JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]

  • 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • No, it’s not. Maybe strictly for LLMs, but they were never the endpoint. They’re more like a Frontal Lobe emulator, the rest of the “brain” still needs to be built. Conceptually, Intelligence is largely about interactions between Context and Data. We have plenty of written Data. In order to create Intelligence from that Data we’ll need to expand the Context for that Data into other sensory systems; Which we are beginning to see in the combo LLM/Video/Audio models. Companies like Boston Dynamics are already working with and collecting Audio/Video/Kinesthetic Data in the Spatial Context. Eventually researchers are going to realize (if they haven’t already) that there’s massive amounts of untapped Data being unrecorded in virtual experiences. Though I’m sure some of the delivery/ remote driver companies are already contemplating how to record their Telepresence Data to refine their models. If capitalism doesn’t implode on itself before we reach that point, the future of gig work will probably be Virtual Turks where, via VR, you’ll step into the body of a robot when it’s faced with a difficult task, complete the task, and then that recorded experience will be used to train future models. It’s sad, because under socialism there’s an incredible potential for building a society where AI/Robots and humanity live in symbiosis akin to something like The Culture, but it’s just gonna be another cyber dystopia panopticon.

  • If you’ve used it, I’m curious as to what potentials do you see from it?

    AI, in whatever form, is a Force Multiplier. Being that we are massively outnumbered and overpowered by the foot soldiers of capital, you’d think the left would be falling over themselves trying to master tech that wildly boosts our abilities to create propaganda, spread propaganda, and perform uh (illegal-to-say) ethical penetration testing. Because the reality is that this is going to be used by right wingers to do all those things while we ironically yell bazinga or whatever and argue that it’s not really intelligence.

    Personally, I’m using ollama locally to run a Mistral llm for coding and computer security related questions. You can bypass most restrictions by asking questions in the context of writing a story. I see a lot of potential in automating much of my security work as the agent/agi frameworks advance. Working with documents is pretty nifty as well and I’m looking forward to when the local models get some of those massive context windows I’ve been hearing about.