constant duality between omg sonic adventure 2 I know that!!! and
I very much grew out of the age demographic this is aimed at as I watched.
haven’t seen the other movies but I chanced it since I like Shadow. the millennialification of zoomers proceeds unbidden
That’s how I felt about That 90’s Show.
I’m sure the kids are enjoying it, but I’m not in the demo anymore
That 90’s Show
No. That’s not a thing. Please let that not be a thing.
Father Time comes for us all eventually.
It exists. It’s also fine.
The 90’s are further away from now than the 70’s were from That 70’s Show. In fairness to the creators, 80’s nostalgia ate up way too much time in the 00’s-10’s.
No no no no no no no shut the fuck up stop lying the 70s were 30 years ago and 1995 was less than half a decade ago. I refuse to be fooled by your ruse that we’re a quarter of a century since 9/11. 9/11 also recently happened, The Matrix came out last year, and Facebook requires a .edu e-mail address to join.
Went back and rewatched a few of the shows I liked for nostalgia. Some held up like Avatar and Dragon Ball, but others were much different from what I remembered like the Powerpuff Girls. I always imagined it as a gateway show to anime with a lot of fight scenes, but in reality it was generally a rosy cheeked 1950sesque leave-it-to-beavery Americana kind of cartoon that happened to have a superhero story on the side. Not saying it’s bad, just different.
It totally hit me: I’m the old one now. Of course this doesn’t hold up, I’m not the target audience anymore. I watched the first sonic movie as well over the holidays while watching one of my 8 year old cousins and thought the same thing…fuck, I’m old.
They loved it, and that’s great! But I didn’t because I’m older now and it has nothing to do with the show, and part of my New Year’s resolution is to be less of a manchild anyways.
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If they love animated movies so much why don’t they also love The Tragedy Of Man? Sick of these baby posuers.
You will only be free when you free the part of you that cringes or something.
Being too cool and punk for a lot of stuff as a youth has opened my later life to more easily peruse more mainstream stuff from my past without much attachment. It’s been easy to keep finding new stuff too cause weird indie shit that’s as DIY as possible was the standards of my youth and that’s a constant spring of neat shit. I stopped being up with mainstream stuff as much as I could at age 12 or so and it does pay off later. It does mean I’m.a bit of a snob cause I’ve seen or heard Soooo much stuff but I’m aware of an exploring newer and weirder shit into my 30s. Art is neat and cool and if you don’t need it to be made by a millionaire then there almost infinite amounts of it out there.
Sonic 3 is going to be a 31 year old game in a month from now.
I enjoyed it and there is a chance that im older than you (like not an amazing movie but it was a fun popcorn flick to me)
I enjoyed it in an abstracted sense but the beat-to-beat wasn’t for me
I didnt mean this to dunk on you. Im just saying that even older folks who arent in their twenties anymore can at times enjoy stuff made for kids or teens.
It’s actually cool to consume media for adults when you are an adult. Hot take I know
I caught the matinee with my kid. The screenplay was so bad I think for sure it was tongue in cheek. The film version of Poe’s Law. Plot holes that warp spacetime. I’m not sure there was one scene shot on location. Jim Carrey is funny as fuck though. The dance number got me so good too. My kid and I had a great time… but I never would have watched it on my own.
I hate that blue rat