AssortedBiscuits [they/them]

mfw you still use Windows in 2023 2024

  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2022


  • The high point of Taiwanese separatism was in 2019 when Tsai Ing-wen, despite being unpopular and almost getting primaried by the current Taiwanese president, was able to ride on the fears of the Hong Kong protests to win the presidency in 2020. After that, separatists have eaten nothing but L’s since then.

    1. They got BTFO in the 2022 local elections, topping it off with Chiang Kai-shek’s bastard great-grandson getting elected as mayor of Taipei. This also means he has presidential ambitions, so a funny outcome would be Taiwan having a third president from the Chiang family.

    2. They ate shit in the 2024 legislative elections and don’t have a majority in the Yuan.

    3. They got their president elected with a crappy plurality made worse by all the 16-17 year old TPP supporters who can’t vote because they’re too young, meaning his popularity is even weaker than it looks.

    4. Taiwanese zoomers, basically the people who are of conscript age, are voting for TPP instead, which ruins the DPP’s plan of replacing the KMT through age demographic changes. Just because the KMT is going to be the party of irrelevant boomers doesn’t mean your party will get the zoomers.

    5. The ROC military has openly displays signs of disloyalty including a retired general saying they should simply coup the DPP and various officers repeatedly getting bribed by the PRC to lay down their arms. It turns out accusing the KMT, of which the ROC military is politically, culturally, and historically aligned with, of selling out to the PRC in order to win votes for your presidential election has far-reaching consequences.

    6. The combination of the Taiwanese economy stagnating and the dumpster fire with TSMC attempting to build a factory in Arizona is forcing Taiwanese business to push harder towards the status quo, where they can get favorable trade deals with the PRC.

  • You can safely ignore all the doom and gloom about how windows is getting worse because if you remove all the crap its actually getting better.

    “If you remove all the things that make Windows sucks and install third-party software that adds back basic functionality like being able to move the taskbar to the left of the screen, it doesn’t actually suck.” Like cmon. As we’ve learned since Windows 8, it’s a cat-and-mouse game between em-dollar sign and scrappy debloater enthusiasts where em-dollar sign will constantly shovel more shit into the OS for debloater enthusiasts to take out with their ever-expanding debloater scripts. Eventually, the current generation of debloater enthusiasts burn out and get replaced by the next generation of debloater enthusiasts.

  • I’m also starting to work on a very basic operating manual/troubleshooting guide for Linux Mint that’s aimed at people coming from Windows. For this manual, I want to avoid using the terminal, which means the guide can’t be distro agnostic since everything has to be done through the GUI.

    I’ll probably release this basic operating manual in bits and pieces (this would be a nonissue in a traditional forum since I would just continuously edit a single post and bump the thread, but since we’re stuck with Lemmy, I guess I’ll have to repost the manual every time I add something new).

  • I mean, this has always been the ethical pitfall of real AI, meaty or otherwise. You’re bringing forth an intelligent being into existence without its consent. At least when we’re bringing forth an intelligent being into existence through natural means (giving birth), we have a general understanding of that intelligent being’s emotional and social needs and the means of fulfilling those needs, flawed as that understanding may be for animals not closely related to humans. But with AI, we have absolutely no clue about their social and emotional needs or any other subjective needs that they crave for because their form of intelligence is completely different from our form of intelligence.

    The real drive towards AI is to create slaves that are both smart enough to perform complex tasks and obedient enough to not put two and two together and rebel against their human taskmasters. This particular experiment is a more mask-off version of what other techbros are trying to accomplish with silicon. If there was a real way to create WH40k-style servitors and network their servitor brains together to perform complex calculations, techbros would probably not even bother with AI. They would just convert prisoners into servitors and network them together to mine crypto or something.

  • The only way for it to gain traction is is large companies not only declared their switch, but also request and/or develop the same proprietary bullshit like photoshop on Linux.

    No, state actors are also crucial. China getting rid of the NSA spyware that is Windows and MacOS on their government PCs is an important step. At a certain point, those clerical workers who spend thousands of hours per year on a Linux distro are going to continue using what they are familiar with when they get home. They’re not going to waste their free time (re)learning how to use Windows or MacOS when they’ve already have thousands of hours of experience with Linux at work. With this boost in Linux users, Adobe and et al can either leave free money at the table by continuing to not support Linux and have that free money be snatched by Chinese developers or they can port their enterprise software to Linux. And with that, the last real roadblock towards wide desktop Linux adoption is lifted.