GalaxyBrain [they/them]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2020


  • He shouldn’t be allows to make me upset for 2 days straight for no reason. We just make food. He just feels this need to change things even if they’re fine cause he kinda sucks ass as a chef and relies on me and the sous a lot and the sous kinda splits his job with me. Regardless don’t take the fucking window, that’s been my job for 2 fucking years and I will quit over it, and although I’ll.provavlt be on the line in another job at least I wasn’t demoted after 2 years cause my normally doormat.boss decided to be king big dick swinging his implied power all over turd mountain. Gotta really give it up to one of my co-worlers who was running pasta who told the guy when I went on my post rush smoke that he was used to orders being verbalized and being told by yknow, the guy running the window when to start on what but give.the Intel it’s coming so they can prepare, especially with the pastas cause we only have 4 burners and one is the pot of water, so it’s 3, and sometimes those are being used for apps before you call em too. I do this interesting thing where I talk to my co workers and encourage them to.communicate as well, I don’t have the power to fire them so they can honestly tell me what’s holding them up.when I ask and holy fuck do I ask people to do stuff and not tell. Even in the hairless situations I give pleases and thank yous and genuine appreciation for coming through in a clutch, these people know their jobs and i trust them and my interventions are generally in reaction to a server mistake. I also cover as much as I can in my downtime, I blast pizza line as them what would help and do that for as long as I have time, I handle salads, apps, put bread in the oven for apps or for with pastas, all.thar shit my boss delegated while he did my job at half speed, stood there looking for flaws that didn’t exist for.the rest and humming like a moron the rest. Culinary school is complete bullshit where you learn to be a manager and how to make worse French versions of shit I know how to do and it’s super not great for vegans. If I make a post in mutual aide will you guys fund me a vegan co-op kitchen? Fuck, if I could even pay to use someone else’s industrial kitchen for my own catering needs I could get somewhere. My boss acting like he’s in charge of shit has ruined my week. I think he noticed small.kimks in the operation when things came to my end and wants to fill in to make the system better and probably feels like he’s helping me and giving me a break from the window. He’s wrong. Whenever there’s a staff meeting and the floor is opened and my turn comes around the vibe is and I usually get to say 'I address my issues directly as they come to me instead of waiting for a meeting, my laundry is already aired.'but that’s cause he’s been very cool in respecting people sorta falling where they’re strongest. He’s best co-piloting and even isn’t great at that. He should just be a line cook thst does.the schedule. He cares too much to make the ship run smoothly.

  • My chef came back from vacation and I want him to go away. He spent a week off work and was clearly thinking about it the whole time and his fucking neurotic brain created all sorts of new stupid fucking ideas for how to run the place wrong. He’s taken the window from me when I went on a smoke break the last 2 days and didn’t give it back. For the last 2 years I HAVE RUN THE WINDOW, I CALL THE ORDERS, I PLATE EM AND SEND EM. ME. This motherfuker decides to change the system around entirely on everyone, one that had been working really really well and spends the whole fucking time standing there and micromanaging everyone. This asshole made me stop the job I was doing to fill him a cup of sauce. He was doing NOTHING. Do it yourself asshole. I get to watch this prick bark orders at people and at the same time trust us like fucking children and micromanage our every move cause he doesn’t do fucking anything but watch us. He’s even setting pizza pans for him to cut all along the salad line and sometimes part of.the pizza line so he didn’t need to get them from the window of the oven when they were done. He wanted people to use the pizza peels to haul them from the oven to his pans, the oven is next to a corner and you need to 180 that pizza paddle across where EVERYONE walks to do this so his stupid manspresd standing door blocking fucking blinders on idiotndumb ass doesn’t have to move. Fuck this asshole prick idiot