someone [comrade/them, they/them]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • Hey, I’ve seen this done before, it’s basically limitless power. In Minecraft.

    No, really, in Minecraft - albeit modded. Some sort of chunk loader in the Nether, plus some means of pumping fluids, plus some sort of interdimensional transport of fluids, plus some sort of lava-fueled power generator (all pretty standard and easy to make in an average tech-type modpack) equals unlimited free power.

    Way back when I was admining an FTB server running on Minecraft 1.7.10 and dealing with lag issues (fucking Railcraft tanks…) I just decided to put an infinite lava source at spawn using the EnderTanks mod so that players wouldn’t need to put chunkloaders all over the Nether to get their lava power fix. They could just tune their own receiving tank to the same “frequency” (a three colour code) and voila, lava for power (or whatever else, like Tinker’s Construct smelteries, I love that mod) without lagging the whole damn server.

  • I’m on your side on this. Usually when I’m grocery shopping it’s at the end of a long day, and I just don’t want to deal with other people in any capacity at that point.

    No awkward small talk

    Oh god so much this. Especially from other people in line. There’s something about my face that seems to invite conversations from strangers. I have no idea what it is. And it’s always the last thing I have any interest in doing. Especially when they’re offering recipe advice. Self checkouts are a godsend.

  • Are private chats not end to end encrypted? They should be, so it shouldn’t be possible to moderate.

    Telegram has a few different chat type options:

    • Public, which is what it sounds like, available for groups. Server-side encryption, so Telegram (the company) can see everything.

    • Private, which is like an unlisted/unsearchable public group chat, same encryption limitations.

    • Secret, which are strictly one-on-one, and default to server-side encryption. The user can select end-to-end encryption for these on a per-chat basis. It can’t be made the default.

    If not, it sounds like the app is a complete joke.

    Oh it always has been from a security perspective. They use a homegrown E2EE known-to-be-flawed protocol called MTProto instead of using a professionally-audited one like in Matrix.

  • Node is one of those things that baffles me. Why use a shitty language originated during a two-week cocaine binge by Brendan Eich as the basis of server backends? I can understand the tragic compatibility need to keep using Javascript in browsers, especially after Google inexplicably pulled the plug on Dart as a potential browser language and redesigned it to be just another Typescript clone that’s been crippled so that it can transpile to Javascript. But it’s not like we’re starved for good backend languages.

  • I am going to lose my mother fucking shit with Debian 12 on this laptop that works perfectly with 11. Every permutation of different ISOs from net install to the full-scale 8GB BD image, secure boot on and off and cleared of all settings when on, all of it just results in grub not finding the freshly installed system and being told that I need to load the kernel first.

    I’ve used Debian for literally decades. I have never had these kinds of problems. I am in that calm-rage phase right now that I rarely ever get pushed to.

    Update, so I tried Fedora 40 (KDE spin). Installs perfectly, boots perfectly. Except that it thinks the right control key is a “<” key. Normally I’d just handle that with Xmodmap but apparently Xmodmap is deprecated on Wayland and I can’t figure out a fucking way to change the fucking key that’s physically labelled “Ctrl” is be a mother fucking control key. Another one of those standard bleed-edge-Linux things like pulseaudio and systemd and networkmanager and wayland itself where the “advanced” replacement is a broken buggy piece of shit that was pushed out to production distros way before it was ready. I’m looking forward to being able to easily remap a single key in ten years when Wayland is finally mature and has just been itself replaced with the next broken buggy piece of shit released well before its time.

    Update update: Thanks to the Arch wiki I’ve got remapping via udev working. I’m no less angry about the lack of a straightforward user interface to do in Wayland what should be a simple remapping, like xmodmap can easily handle in Xorg systems.

    Updat update update: Wow, I hadn’t quite realized how sweary I could get when that angry. I don’t get that angry that often. I should work on better strategies for handling that.