Belly_Beanis [he/him]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • You forgot they’re also criminal masterminds who smuggle in thousands of dollars in drugs over the border, kill hundreds of Americans without getting caught, are master engineers that build massive tunnel networks underground, and scam the government out of billions of dollars via welfare programs.

    Honestly I wish immigrants were the people conservatives think they are because they’d have an insane set of skills we could use.

  • I think I’d rather be launched into the sun over Jupiter. The sun you die pretty quickly as you get closer to it. I can’t imagine there’s much that could stop heat once you get past Mercury. Jupiter though? Jupiter is fucking spooky. Its core is hot like any molten core, but there’s no crust. You’d fall through the sky and just keep falling for hundreds of miles. You’d eventually die from the heat like you would with the sun, but you wouldn’t be able to see anything. At some point all you can see is goop. It’s like being underwater in the Mariana Trench, but the water is nitrogen, metallic hydrogen, and liquid silicone.

  • When this conversation comes up, my go-to is talking about people getting doxxed who were innocent. Boston Bomber, that airplane doctor, a lot of kids/minors, etc. It’s easy for people to grasp they can randomly be targeted by a lynch mob because they look like someone or their name matches the wrong guy.

    You can also get into deep dives on people finding out where a photo was taken just by looking at things like which way the wind was blowing, contrails in the sky, or where the sun is. You explain this can be used to track their kids or find out where they live.

    Furthermore, just by figuring out a person’s relationships, people can figure out important security questions (mother’s maiden name, where they went for third grade, etc.). These can be used for ID theft.

    My concern personally is there’s no protections on privacy. As we’ve seen with the repeal of Roe v. Wade, social media and electronics can be used to track people in order to convict them with crimes. This can happen with any issue. Republicans may be fine with abortion being outlawed, but how are they going to feel when democrats finally repeal the second ammendment and throw them into FEMA camps or whatever nonsense conservatives are thinking of? The government can figure out if you’re part of a gun club or maybe sees you in the background of your friend’s picture at a shooting range.

    You start piling on bad things that can happen to them and people start realizing they need to delete Facebook and Instagram.

  • It’s more of a “proof by absurdity” against Young Earth Creationism. There’s no way of knowing if the universe was created five seconds ago or if the people around you are real with their own seperate thoughts, so it’s better to act as though the universe is not five seconds old and other people are real.

    The argument made by YECs is stuff like fossils, evolution, sediment layers, tree rings, etc. are all “false evidence” put there by God to test our faith or by Satan to dissuade people from believing the Bible (depending on who you’re talking to). “Last Thursdayism” is a rejection of this, by using the same argument: “Then how do you know God/Satan didn’t invent the Bible to convince you the universe wasn’t made last Thursday?”

    The point is we can only rely on what we can physically experience. Acting as though material evidence is a trick helps no one.