No more web dev jobs

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]
    4 months ago


    • companies replace the development of front-end and public facing programmes with algorithmically generated, bloated code

    • the savings from cutting labor are served up to investors as profit

    • companies replace the development of back-end public facing programmes with algorithmically generated, bloated code

    • the savings from cutting labor are served up to investors as profit

    • companies replace the development of server-side programmes with algorithmically generated, bloated code

    • the savings from cutting labor are served up to investors as profit

    • at every point, the workload for troubleshooting and bug-fixing increases while staffing decreases; remaining employees are encouraged to use algorithmic generators to provide code patches

    • the savings from cutting labor are served up to investors as profit

    • an exodus of critical skilled labor continues, individuals carrying the trend further than companies’ initial wave of layoffs was intended to impact

    • something very fundamental and (relatively) ancient brakes, and the skills required to address it no longer exist within the traditional industry

    Dot Com Bubble II, ƒin