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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • tias@discuss.tchncs.detoProgramming@programming.devGit without a forge
    13 hours ago

    Saying it’s “an interesting idea” makes it sound as if git wasn’t intended to be used like this from the start. But it was intentionally designed to allow posting patches to the Linux kernel mailing lists. It even has commands for producing email directly from the command line.

    Sites like GitHub are the “idea”.

  • Jag har blivit två timmar försenad de senaste tre gångerna jag reste mellan Stockhom och Sundsvall (en tre timmars resa som alltså blev fem timmar). Första blev sent pga “tidigare fordonsfel”, sedan blev det “tågkö” in till Uppsala så vi tappade typ 30 minuter där. På nästa kraschade ATC-systemet på tåget så de fick bara köra 60 km i timmen. Vid tredje resan så rasade en elledning vid Arlanda så vi fick stå still en lång stund i Uppsala och sedan åka via Märsta istället. För att göra saken värre blev mitt anslutande regionaltåg också sent (alltså nästa avgång som jag blev ombokad till). När det väl kom stannade det på ett annat spår än vad som var skyltat och det stod ingenting på varken vagnar eller skyltar vid spåret som kunde hjälpa mig att hitta rätt. Jag skriver det här på en fjärde resa där de har släppt på massor av människor från andra anslutande tåg som har blivit försenade. Hoppas att jag kommer fram innan sista bussen går denna gång.

    Det jag undrar är, hur länge dröjer det innan det börjar ske riktiga dödsolyckor pga bristande underhåll?

  • I actually haven’t used an ad blocker in a very long time. I block third-party cookies and trackers, and disturbingly that seems to prevent almost all advertising from working. In fact I frequently get told by sites to turn off my ad blocker, which is impossible since there’s nothing to turn off.

    My bigger problem is that these browsers have no good built-in way to clean out the “IndexedDB”, “Service Worker”, “File System” and “Local Storage” directories in my profile. They are essentially frankenstein cookies without expiration date so they keep accumulating. I use the “Cookie AutoDelete” extension for cleaning them up, but it looks like that will stop working with Manifest V3. Once that happens I’m switching back to Firefox or some other browser that gives me enough control to avoid being tracked, and to save 10+ GB of disk space.

  • Lojban. IIRC it’s inspired by the Saphir-Worf hypothesis that states that the capacity for human thought is shaped by the language you speak (side note: this is also explored in my favorite movie Arrival).

    As someone who is probably on the spectrum I am incredibly frustrated by imprecise language and misunderstanding between people, and how people always seem to be reading between the lines instead of paying attention to what you are literally saying.

    Lojban is designed almost like set-theoretic mathematical expressions, leaving minimal room for ambiguity and misunderstanding. It trains your brain to think about exactly what you are saying. It’s like a utopian language for me.

    Ironically after it gained only a couple of hundred speakers it started to develop slang expressions and ambiguity. People even wrote poetry and jokes that proliferate and exploit ambiguity or subtext. I guess it’s human nature to shun precision in communication.

  • I mean it’s pretty clear from the texts that he was resurrected and lives on forever. Most Christians seem to agree that he now hangs around like a ghost and helps you do stuff like play baseball or get a promotion. The thing that rubs me the wrong way about this story is: why isn’t he helping every baseball player equally? Obviously some are winning and some aren’t, and presumably that’s because Jesus is helping some people more than others.

    Everybody prays they will win the war, but Jesus is helping one side kill more people.