Let’s be honest: We knew that Elon was an asshole and totally batshit insane after the thailand caving incident. That was in 2018. Everybody who bought a Tesla after that didn’t pay attention
Let’s be honest: We knew that Elon was an asshole and totally batshit insane after the thailand caving incident. That was in 2018. Everybody who bought a Tesla after that didn’t pay attention
Buy your locally produced Cola. Don’t start to import cola produced in Germany to Spain or the Norwegian lemonade to Italy. Don’t ship sugar water trough Europe by lorry, we have enough traffic on our motorways already.
You don’t need a kill switch. If you’re flying F35 and the US decides to cut you off, you won’t get replacement parts. Some repairs are only available in the US, so your fancy bird won’t fly much longer
Hey, the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1920s/1930s has complex origins and historians have written many books about it. There are many reasons for Hitlers and Mussolinis rise to power, so let’s not go around and give undercomplex explanations like “the slippery slope argument”
Ich bin da skeptisch. Und weißt du warum? Einfach weil es überall die Tendenz gibt, “den Linken”, “den Grünen” oder “den Woken” die Schuld für den Aufstieg “der Rechten” in die Schuhe zu schieben. Ohne jetzt hier in diese Debatte einzusteigen, nehme ich einfach mal das Heizungsgesetz als Beispiel. Da wird dann gerne “den Grünen” vorgeworfen, sie hätten “einen strategischen Fehler” gemacht oder “falsch kommuniziert” und damit dann den Backlash verursacht.
Schaut man sich den Vorgang dann genauer an, wird hier quasi dem Opfer die Schuld zugeschoben: Am Ende hat entweder die SPD oder die FDP einen unfertigen Entwurf des Gesetzes an die BILD durchgestochen, welche daraus zusammen mit zig anderen konservativen und rechtsradikalen Medien eine harte Kampagne gemacht hat, welche jenseits sämtlicher Fakten war und wo dann selbst die BILD-Chefredaktion nach Wochen der Kampagne irgendwann intern feststellen musste, dass sie überhaupt nicht weiß, wie eine Wärmepumpe funktioniert.
Und so ähnlich klingt das auch hier: In einer Welt, in der rechtsradikale Milliardäre offen putschen und den Hitlergruß machen, in der ein US-Präsident einen Andrew Tate aus rumänischer Haft freipresst (!) brauchen wir nicht darüber diskutieren, ob “die Linken” Schuld daran sind, dass Max-Justus (18) jetzt AfD wählt.
There is an oversupply and China is reducing imports to protect their own industry:
It’s also a great way to mess with Trump (and other conservative governments worldwide) as farmers are some of their most loyal supporters. And since the Trump gov won’t do much against H5N1, it’s also a great way to protect yourself.
A large room with several exits. Bright torches illuminate several doors and the players see a large corridor with several pillars leading out of the room. In the middle of the room, the players find the inscription carved into a stone: “I am trapped in this room and cannot find an exit”
Reddit is calculating its MAU differently. They seem to be counting even not-logged-in users coming from search engines - without that numbers like “1 billion monthly active users” really don’t make any sense and even that is a crazy metric, if you think about it. There is no way that 1/8 of humanity is browsing on Reddit in a month. Lemmy seems to count only users who are doing something (submitting, commenting, upvoting)
Suse is a german company and therefore Suse Linux has some improvements for german users. And if you’re doing it to get away from american companies to get your own sovereign OS, that totally makes sense. Better localization and from your country. And the support might also be in German
The problem is that many companies can’t do that as they can’t give you their custom server code. The only solution here would be to change design from the beginning so that devices can work without servers and are also so secure that they don’t need security updates
There is a difference between me reading a book and learning from it and one of the biggest companies in the world pirating millions of books for their business. And it really gets bad when normal users are getting sued for tenthousands of dollars when they download a book or a MP3 and Meta is getting defended for doing the same thing, but in a much larger scale.
Yes, we know that copyright is broken. But if it is broken, it has to be broken for all
So if you start your work life at 16 and retire at 67, that will give you 51 years working, 14,5 years in retirement and 16 years as a child. That is the “best” case here in Germany, most people won’t work that long, other countries have lower retirement ages and many people are doing additional schooling and university. But even that means that you have to put away / pay into retirement fund 14,5/51 = 28% of your income during your work life to support your retirement.