ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]

Decaying corpse animated by gay thoughts and too many painkillers

Highly obnoxious, very autistic, weirdly asexual, ask me about my weird interests

I talk way, way too fucking much.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • This purple creation rlly uploaded a video that’s 25fps peltier-laugh <3

    Idk how good the Smarttube Next android app is for privacy, it uses google accounts so probably not great, but nothing beats it for watching slop on a TV. I never use the youtube site or app.

    Also to be real, a barrier to normies for Matrix/Element is that getting into rooms and spaces can be a little obtuse, far from “idiot-proof”. Normos will gravitate to discord just because it’s easier.

    Nice lil ramble though, ty ✨ I try to foss everything based purely on principle though, foss being way better than goofy freemium closed source Windows/Android software, which I noticed even when I was younger. There is no disc authoring program on Windows anywhere as good as k3b, for instance.

  • Ok I was reading Natopedia about the P5 and

    Superscalar architecture – The Pentium has two datapaths (pipelines) that allow it to complete two instructions per clock cycle in many cases. The main pipe (U) can handle any instruction, while the other (V) can handle the most common simple instructions. Some[who?] reduced instruction set computer (RISC) proponents had argued that the “complicated” x86 instruction set would probably never be implemented by a tightly pipelined microarchitecture, much less by a dual-pipeline design. The 486 and the Pentium demonstrated that this was indeed possible and feasible.

    This has the same vibe as all the anticommunist screeds on natopedia, this is x86 propaganda I think.

  • In terms of system function and practicality, hacked, probably gonna be Wii U because it can play most other Bintendo systems. Function unhacked is probably a DS phat or Lite, because DS/GBA libraries are pretty good.

    I also wanna ask if this includes fan translations, because at that point SNES/SFC is a system that has FF6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Earthbound etc but also Front Mission, Seiken Densetsu 3, Tactics Ogre, Bahamut Lagoon, all six 2D Dragon Quest games, so on. Also if you factor Super Gameboy/2 in, SNES probably wins.

    In terms of the native NTSC/PAL libraries it has to be a dead heat between Super Nintendo and DS. Gamecube is a shit system, N64 is a shitter system, Wii has a loooot of shovelware(although the virtual console was rad), Switch goes in the trash, the NES, GBA and Game Boy were cool but I think the DS probably had the most variety of genres. Plus it has ports and remakes of a lot of classics, so at gunpoint I’d go DS.