ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2022


  • I have a standing fatwa on snap only because it comes installed and enabled by default on Ubuntu server. Maybe it’s good for grandmas laptop but it’s kill-on-sight in a server environment. Every Ubuntu server I’ve seen has eventually been taken offline without any warning because of snapd doing some auto update.

    Ubuntu server should have snapd disabled. Ubuntu shouldn’t be the default distro for VPS providers. AFAIK its only the default because its the distro most people might have prior experience with.

    While I’m at it, Fedora is also on my shit list as dnf requires over a gig of memory to do a major version upgrade.

  • I like #Nix, I do not like what has happened to it.

    With no explanation of what happened, the conclusion is almost certainly Internal politics.

    It seems like forgejo split from gitea because it looked like gitea was going the route of gitlab. Idk if NixOS is going to commercialize though. Based on recent gossip it sounds like they’re overly adverse to commercialization. IE banning people for having DoD connections. Aux’s talk about special interest groups makes it sound like they’re going embrace that like redhat.

    1. confirm you can connect via ethernet. It sounds like you can.
    2. Check available WiFi networks with nmcli device wifi
    3. Connect with nmcli device wifi connect <ssid> password <password>

    If nothing is listed in #2 then you need to install drivers for your WiFi. Check the arch wiki for how to identify which wifi card you have and what AUR package is needed. Installing an AUR package without internet will be an adventure so I recommend jacking in for that.

  • Update: I found a guide to use traefik to tunnel into the VPN. Idea is:

    1. Setup headscale behind traefik on a VPS.
    2. Connect all my local devices to the tailnet.
    3. Connect to the VPS to the tailnet. So its running both headscale and tailscale.
    4. Traefik can now proxy to any device on the tailnet.

    Step 1 however is a gigantic pain in the ass. Traefik is overkill for anything non-enterprise. It was just three lines of Caddyfile to make it work with Caddy. {
      reverse_proxy * http://localhost:8282

    Step 4 is almost exactly the same {
      reverse_proxy * http://node:8080

    You can also use tailscale funnel instead any reverse proxy but then your exposing ports not sub domains. And whatever service you’re funneling to is responsible for SSL.