And YOU’RE a tree!!!
And YOU’RE a tree!!!
Cheating in Fortnite gets you banned.
Cheating in Diablo gets you a White House consultant position.
I’m getting mixed signals here.
That’s a great solution as well, but the mini has no internet connection, so there’s no “backdoor.”
How dead is that NES?
You try blowing in it?
That stigma seems to be getting slightly better, but it’s always bothered me.
“OMG you’ve been playing that game for hours! Why don’t you go DO something! You’re rotting your brain!!” -Someone who’s about to sit in front of the TV until they fall asleep.
My brother and I have opposing views on this.
He likes to collect hardware. He loves buying old systems and cartridges.
I like to collect software. Very few games are worth much to me individually, but I love the ability to fire up any old game when it pops in my head.
I ended up buying an SNES Mini on eBay that was jacked and loaded with ROMs from EVERY system it was capable of running. I understand wanting the original hardware, but for me, getting EVERYTHING preloaded for about $200 just made more sense for me.
I have bought two of those hacked systems from the same seller. I can check if they still offer them, and share a link to the product, but only if someone asks for the info. I’m not trying to promote anyone, but I feel like this is a market that could be prone to fakes, and I personally would appreciate someone suggesting a trustworthy seller.
Mine works very consistently. No complaints here.
Dude. Cut your losses.
If the first post didn’t impress anybody, why would you link to it and bring it to everyone’s attention again? Add in a little whining about how you didn’t get the attention you think you deserve, and you’ve got a recipe for ridicule.
Go on, tell us more about how tough you are. 😂
At least I let the dude walk away with his balls
Oooooh. You’re such a tough guy! So big and manly with your little knife and Hot Topic bracelet. Sorry nobody else got erect listening to your tale of bravery and danger!
I think you’re correct except for your cause and effect conclusion.
They’ve ALWAYS been saying these things. It wasn’t caused by anything that’s developed in the past 100 years.
I would say that the “hypersexuality” is caused by people not listening to those fucks anymore.
I have a secret for you.
Whenever you let out one of those little laughs in public, EVERYONE in earshot is wondering if you were laughing at them and is subtly checking if it was them or someone else worth laughing at.
In those moments, your the last thing on people’s minds.
I’m pretty sure I saw that one at the Spirit Halloween store.
Because you’ve never been there for them.
Why do you expect them to do what you can’t be bothered with?
Maybe it just does. I don’t see anything wrong with his nose, so I wouldn’t think it was an insult.
Is this just a trick question, that leads people into saying that Santa’s birthday is Christmas? Or is there a point behind it?
Man, he really IS a Turbo-jerk.
I used to drink enough to think that. Lost quite a bit of weight when I switched to weed.
Seems like she’s just collecting adjectives at this point.
Maybe some people didn’t care of they win and play games to HAVE FUN. Telling them they suck, will probably make that less fun.
Also, everybody sucks when they first try. By continuing to try they get better. If you refuse to do anything that you aren’t naturally good at, you are a coward.
People may define it differently, but when I think of flirting, it’s merely letting someone know that you’re interested in them. It doesn’t have to be licking your lips and winking from across the room.
Just straight up saying “I’m interested in you” is still flirting, and if something like that feels more natural than puffing out your chest and gyrating your hips, then that’s how you flirt and still be yourself.