• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Canceled once they started enforcing the new policy in Germany. I will the same once Disney does it. I have kids in school that use it and when it is not for the whole family anymore it is not interesting enough anymore.

    I am tired of especially Disney saying they are losing money on the service. Loosing how? It is produced and paid for. Then strengthen your brand by making every household with kids paying you a monthly fee instead of picking up dvds at a yard sale.

    Beancounters telling you you missing out on sales you never had in the first place and never will have.

  • Viel Bürokratie für nichts. Wir reden hier von 180€ im Monat. Das sind 6€ am Tag. Das riecht nach Populismus und Geldverschwendung alla Autobahnmaut.

    Mal ehrlich. Die Leute haben eh kaum was, dürfen nichts Arbeiten auch wenn sie wollen. Jetzt wird dann noch extra Bürokratie und Fehlerquellen eingebaut damit sich manche Wähler wohlfühlen, sich ein Schwager eines Politikers eine goldene Nase verdient, nur damit das in ein zwei Jahren wieder abgeschafft wird.

    “Die würde des Menschen ist unantastbar…” oder so ähnlich!

  • The SPD is not a great comparison number because as a party it has a severe identity crisis. They sold their soul by being in a big coalition and many people that remember what the SPD stood for don’t find the party it once was. Even worse young voters don’t see themselves represented by them because they see no difference to the opposition. That is why the Green Party has done so well.

    The last election the SPD got more votes than everyone imagined and they still are not able to show Germany why they are a better choice.