Last year Sweden had some really high power prices and part of the problem was that multiple reactors where shut down for extended periods of time.
Its not an attack on nuclear, it’s a defense of wind. No system is perfect and you can’t say that wind is unreliable and then ignore that we had reactors be shut down for multiple months.
The thing with wind power is that it doesn’t blow all the time but it always blows somewhere so a large spread of small wind farms gets more stable as it grows. Also, nuclear power is also unreliable because they regularly gets shut down for maintenance or safety reasons.
This is also the government that cancelled 17 planned wind parks for no reason and then has the audacity to lecture other countries about energy security. I am pro nuclear power but Ebba Bush is so psychotically pro nuclear that it borders on kink territory.
I think they will quickly find that the countries they move to does not recognize the blockchain as a claim to sovereignty.
It basically hits any game with mounts or vehicles.
What was the labour strategy? Be ineffectual and uninspiring but win anyway because the election system is broken and the rising Nazi parties split their votes too much?
I have only seen versions of the clip where her face was blurred. Did they say on tape that they were going to blur her and then didn’t?
What about purple stuff?
What happens in Spain doesn’t stay in Spain.
The cheek prints makes me think the judges knew exactly what was happening here since they looked at it closely enough to give it an award. More likely is that some karen made a stink and they removed it to avoid the hassle.
Thank you! The eyes and the rings are the parts I was am most happy with. I’m going to use the workflow I learned to do some original art with creepy eyes moving around.
Hey, I tried to upload it to Lemmy but I could not figure it out so it had to be via reddit.
The lighting is nowhere near where I want it to be but I kind of ran out of time because I try to limit how much time I spend on exercises that aren’t original. I did however learn a bunch of new stuff like eye rigging.
Or just hire a ghost writer. Nobody needs to know and even if it comes out, nobody would care.
No, I just think you are stupid and not very curious about why people hold the opinions they hold. Common problem with republicans.
Lots of experience being a far right conservative in America?
If I made a 3d model based on this drawing as blender practice, Would you be ok with me posting a gif of it?
Did you miss the part where Catholic and conservative countries still uses tampons less than other countries. The main issue is that they think it
A. Increase masturbation because it requires the girl to familiarize themselves with their own genitals
B. Breaks the hymen and makes the girl no longer a virgin.
These are things that conservatives absolutely still care about and if you read r/twoXchromosomes you will eventually see women with conservative parents having to snuggle their tampons into the house.
Also, why are conservatives losing their minds over Tim Walz providing tampons to schools if what I am saying isn’t a thing anymore?
Like a presidential candidate once said, things dont just fall out of coconut trees. They are influenced by what was before.
The message isn’t to stop people from being racist. It’s to stop the racists from being part of their fanbase. Macho sports are really susceptible to concentrations of assholes and they need to be actively discouraged or they will take over.