EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024


  • What I don’t like about Linux is that a lot of things require you to sudo to install if you’re installing outside of the App Store, which is often. Even then a lot of apps require you to sudo to download from the store.

    I have no problem with it because I understand my computer, but it just seems like a disaster waiting to happen for a noob who wants to install a bunch of shit and all the tutorials just casually instruct them to do so without warning of the implications.

  • I don’t use antivirus on any OS these days, with the exception of the default Windows Defender on windows.

    People say that Linux is inherently safer, which I’m inclined to believe, but it’s also not widespread enough to put that theory to the test. Windows and Mac are commonly targeted because that’s what most people use. You’ll see more effort put into hacking Linux if it became normalized.

    It’s not really analogous to seatbelts and condoms either, because while those things aren’t foolproof, you don’t really know what antivirus is doing besides what they advertise. I believe a few big name vendors were caught mining bitcoin.

    But if you must, having more than one will not make you safer. In this case, it’s like using a condom. Using multiple will just slow things down, potentially break your system, have a bunch of conflicts, and send your stuff to multiple places. I recommend deleting them and using the default Windows Defender.

  • Most of the world runs windows or Mac for everyday things. They’re deeply inside of ecosystems of programs that aren’t available on Linux or don’t work as well. Individuals moving to Linux won’t do anything. The only way for it to gain traction is is large companies not only declared their switch, but also request and/or develop the same proprietary bullshit like photoshop on Linux. There are some companies like Valve trying to promote Linux and FOSS but for their own profit driven agenda, bur even that’s fine because at least it’s something. I can’t see Adobe doing the same

    Most users don’t care about Microsoft watching them jerk off as long as the computer works well enough to let them do it undisturbed

    If I was Tim Apple, I would simply develop macOS and Linux to take away Microsoft market share then halt resources from Linux development to draw people to apple.

  • Ignore videos about vim or windows manager vs. tile manager or any of that bullshit. You don’t need that shit at all. I go into these things just because it’s quick snd enjoyable sometimes, but I literally do not care about being “efficient” at programming. I don’t care about saving 5.23 seconds changing navigating through a folder with my keyboard. I will use my arrow keys. I will use my mouse. I will use an editor with a debugger, thank you.

    I use Linux as a daily desktop. I do use my terminal often, but that’s because I find it easy, but literally 99% of the things I do don’t require it. Just download most things from the App Store, install games, click play.

    Sometimes you’ll need to tweak certain settings to get a game working. It’s annoying, but if you’re comfortable editing game files to mod then this is no different. Many tools exist, and sometimes you don’t even need a tool. You just click and drag a file to your game folder.

    Someone really needs to make an introduction to Linux video where not a single command line is used to get things up and running lol. As easy as it is, people see a terminal and they shit themselves. Understandable, but that’s why you need to show that these distros exist to draw in people who never want to touch a command line.