I honestly don’t understand why people don’t eat the core. It’s the same but a little more chunky. Why do so many people let perfectly edible and tasty food go to waste.
The seeds actually contain cyanide. Eating a single apple core doesn’t have enough to kill you, but if you fill a 4oz cup with apple seeds and eat them in one sitting, you’re cooked.
I honestly don’t understand why people don’t eat the core. It’s the same but a little more chunky. Why do so many people let perfectly edible and tasty food go to waste.
Because it’s barely edible and not tasty…
I ate the core at school but the teachers made me stop because “the seeds are poisonous!”
The seeds actually contain cyanide. Eating a single apple core doesn’t have enough to kill you, but if you fill a 4oz cup with apple seeds and eat them in one sitting, you’re cooked.
Very true. However, that fact didn’t stop them from taking away my apple core.
The seeds contain cyanide.
Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach.
Cyanide isn’t a bacteria
a very small amount. The seeds are not harmful to eat.
An apple will grow in your belly