The headline is misleading. The full quote from the CEO is
My first message would be, if you’re not comfortable, don’t let your kids be on Roblox.
That should just be common sense.
Wow that headline is way more than just misleading, it’s straight up lying through omission. Those are two wildly different statements
With the headline: Interesting, I should read the article.
With the headline corrected: Nothing to see here, move along.The headline had me questioning who he believes the demographic is for roblox…
That’s my secret, I’m never comfortable
There’s dozens of us!
I dont know whats worse, this anyone thinking roblox is the future of communication or me thinking thats probably better than the actual future of communication.
Who else is supposed to be on Roblox … ? Doesn’t really strike me as a popular game with teenagers or adults.
It’s popular with groomers.
More about Roblox predator problem, as reported by Bloomberg last year.
Nazis too. A streamer I watch talked about finding a WWII RP server when she was a kid, only to leave when she realized there was an emphasis on certain parts.
It’s old enough now that kids that grew up playing it are teenagers making content for it
According too matpat there’s lots of non kid content on there
They’re doing a great job getting kids addicted to gambling on that platform.
Arnt they all. I’m dreading what will become if the kids of today
See also: kids who play Fortnite and have no concept of how much the stupid skins they want actually cost (hint: it’s outrageous) :/
Fortnight is the one that always comes to mind. There’s stories here of bullying in school over fortnight skins.
It’s exclusively used by kids and adults who think they’re still kids.
Oh and predators.
Pedos and this CEO and woodchipper
A story about cleansing!