I know it’s a TV show and this is a movie comm, but I just finished the show and wanted to get some chapo opinions on it. It’s got some good bits and I overall enjoyed it. Just feels like it started off pretty strong with Johnny having to start working and then trying to get on unemployment to feed his family. Over time it just seems to give up on that aspect and makes all the characters comfortable petite bourgeoisie that somehow just have infinite money. Then they do the whole venture capitalist bit, but in like a “gentrification is good” way and reveal that the server who everyone treats like shit is actually a secret millionaire that could have solved all the towns financial problems but didn’t?
I liked some of the portrayals of sexuality and the complexity of relationships, but the show falls flat when it comes to any sort of social critique of capitalism, which is odd because the setup seems to be exactly that.
David is alright I guess, he at least gets a job. They never really show them struggling though. Like David gets a job at a boutique and runs it into the ground, then is magically saved by an Australian company that has the same name offering to buy them out for 10k that he and his sister negotiate to like 100k or something. Then the owner just gives him $40k?
They all just leech off everyone else in the community. Like they never pay their bill at the diner and never tip. They just ignore the problems of everyone else to butt in and make themselves the center of everything, then complain when people still help them.
Like they’re written to be unlikeable rich assholes, sorta like the League or Always Sunny characters, but the show just leans into it and is like “rich assholes are good people too!”. They even try to retcon the family being rude to the waitress by just making her a millionaire in the last episode, so them not tipping wasn’t really that bad!
It feels like a show I guess? The performances are good for the most part and some of the interpersonal stuff tracks (like the relationship plots that the kids go through are pretty well written). I just hate that there wasn’t any point that they decided to just commit to the Rose family becoming proletarian. They just remain shitty, but like now they lived in a motel and gentrified a town.