I’ve seen multiple photos posted in remembrance of him.
Not that I’ve seen them all, but all the photos I’ve seen show him holding the very nails he used on his own coffin.
There’s a statement there but I’m too stupid to see it.
On a personal note, emphysema really sucks.
American Spirit cigarette pack
Liberal detected
damn he had shit taste in cigarettes
wtf? I thought American Spirits were the best tasting cigarettes when I used to smoke. I almost got a craving when I saw the pic despite never getting cravings/haven’t smoked in 10+ years.
Agreed! When I used to smoke a pack a day I hated American Spirits. To me, they tasted bad and lasted way too long. A regular American spirit would last me longer than any Marb 100.
i don’t remember them tasting bad just really weak, hardly felt like i was smoking anything