Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]

Boo im a ghost

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • Wasting data for those who pay for it in a metered fashion, wasting bandwidth while uploading needlessly, wasting metered storage space in your OD if it’s copying shit you don’t want it to copy. A potential security issue for businesses/corporate/industrial users maybe?

    It sounds like a PITA. Id be upset if Arch started backing up my shit to a cloud storage website without my explicit permission. I’m not surprised Windows is doing this. Windows has always been shitty, but it’s increasingly end-user hostile. I feel no shame in having pirated every version of an MS OS from the 3.11 upgrade up until the Win10 I keep on a desktop for my kids to use for school stuff that doesn’t play nice with Linux.

  • Leave battery outside your home, please. Put it in a bucket and fill it with sand. Set somewhere a few feet away from overhangs/etc. I DIY some battery stuff for hobby electronics I build in my garage. I always have 2x 5 gal buckets full of sand, a small shovel and a 5gal bucket with water and a handful of salt stirred in. Just in case.

    I’ve had one small 2s battery pack go tits up on me and lithium fires do not extinguish readily. If the one you punctured decides to go spicy it’ll do so before you realize it and can react.

    Not trying to unnecessarily scare you, but want to point it out just in case you are unaware.

  • Thanks for the info. Thats approx 2x what im paying currently for 2tb plus email (im using Google Business Standard plan) so if i were to switch, id also need to find a cheaper email host as well, otherwise id be paying for two services.

    In all likelihood im probably not the target market. It works, it works well enough, and i guess im entrenched enough that my momentum isnt going to cause me to leave.

  • so, im just technologically literate enough….

    I pay for two domains, both used for paid email for myself, and my kids to use. I use Workspaces. I also use Photos (last i checked i was tickling 1TB of photos, i pay for 2tb monthly). I average between 100-200 photos weekly, with probably 90% being photos of plumbing; new construction, reroutes, spot repairs, stuff for inspection, things found underground etc. Occasionally i take photos of plants/bugs and post them to /earth.

    I do not delete anything. Ever. Its saved my ass more times than i can count on my fingers and toes. Being able to geotag a photo with a physical address is priceless to me. I really like being able to pull up photos from 8-10 years ago, of plumbing i put in a wall, long since sheetrocked/painted and forgotten about, just by typing in the address of the house im working at. I am in this situation almost monthly.

    That said, does Ente have this capability? Just out of curiosity sake how TF do I transfer a TB of photos out of Photos and into Ente, were i to do so? Do i have to manually upload a photo each time i take one? Photos is more or less seamless in that regard. I understand Google is probably looking at my photos, but to be honest, its just photos of broken and repaired plumbing, with the occasional photo of human waste in some form due to my profession. Google wanna look at photos of poop? Be my guest, Google.

    I own an iphone but do not use apple for photo storage because im a new convert of sorts. I have only owned an iphone since 2022, whereas i owned an Android device since 2.0, donut.