imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2024


  • i recommend giving it a go at least. honestly these days a lot less shit breaks on user friendly distros like Ubuntu than shit breaks on my windows 10 install which is a constant pain in the ass just to keep stable. when people complain about Linux being a pain I notice they’re often letting windows off easy in comparison because they’re so conditioned to using it. shit breaks on windows all the time people are just more accustomed to dealing with that. and I understand I’m doing the thing you complained about but if you don’t care about AAA there really has never been a better time to switch. with the proliferation of tools like proton a vast amount of games run on Linux out of the box even compared to 5 years ago.

    I’m planning on installing Nobara Linux on my main machine when I finish the elden ring DLC and if I like it maybe I’ll try to do a write-up on how to get it setup and working nice, the basics of package management etc because this is something I really, really think is worthwhile but I know it’s hard without a Linux nerd looking over your shoulder to help and we do need more guides for total newbies.