I do enjoy how GenX doesn’t appear at all. Very appropriate.
After trying and failing to reach them for comment, we finally heard from them. They just told us “whatever, man.”
Whatever… just whatever.
Gen X: you pussies should have been around in the 70’s and 80’s
We have a stronger survivorship bias than the following gens, but we also sucked on leaded gas fumes for a while when our brains were still developing.
So anyway, whatever.
Don’t forget those delicious paint chips
I didn’t have the chance
Gen X had it’s Part in Memes and grew up. Like tech savvy boomers, Generation X seems predominantly stuck in the middle tier of the career ladder, overshadowed by their Boomer parents. However, they maintain a benevolent and generous attitude toward younger generations. They are fully aware that they will likely never own property, and having children is a significant risk. This painful realization hit them some time ago, hence their sense of empathy. The later you’re born, the more pain you inherit.
We will age and die in our office chairs, and our Zalpha children will burn our bodies to fuel their air conditioners. We will finally find our purpose. Don’t worry about us: we are content enough.
You realise Gen Xers are all in the 40-65 age bracket now, right? Nearly all way beyond the deciding-on-children age. And heaps of them own property (at least where I live).
Or just get some more decades to marinate in hatred.
I am a middle child in the generational equivalent of a middle child.
GenX what’s that, a new shoe coming out?
We’ve been around for like sixty years now. If we were milk we would have developed culture. But we’re not so we didn’t.
Tony Hawk is the best Gen Xer, and dude’s chill AF.
Shh! We don’t want them to notice us.
We are too busy getting shit done to worry about the idiots.
votes for Trump at a greater rate than any other generation
Wonders why no one wants to acknowledge them
That’s not the point they made. They pointed out that Gen X isn’t in it, which is appropriate
being the silent generation. They were punk rock as kids, but reformed the moment they had to and didn’t try to make any sort of change as a whole.The Silent Generation is an actual generation and it was the one before Boomers and after the Greatest. Biden is a Silent Gen. Too young to kill Nazis, not part of the Boom, no one cares about Korea, they were just old enough to get the Cold War brainwashing and fuck up everything with Reaganism.
That’s my mistake. Gen X is still known for doing nothing and staying silent
we are “the maps without new zealand” generation
Aren’t you dead?
I get so confused with people portraying Gen Z as these radical socialists when time after time voting shows they are anything but. Especially Gen Z men as a group are extremely conservative. At least in the US.
- Ages 18-24: 44% for Trump, 54% for Harris
- Ages 25-29: 52% for Trump, 48% for Harris
- Ages 30-44: 52% for Trump
- Ages 45-64: 56% for Trump
- Ages 65 and older: 61% for Trump
More conservative than in the past, but so is the whole country (by votes- most Americans don’t vote). Compared to other age groups though, gen z voted less conservative (unless you consider that Harris is basically a conservative)
I didn’t mean to imply that Gen Z is less conservative than older generations. A pretty low bar to pass under lol
how does the word “conservative” mean the same thing from generation to generation if the issues important to conservatives change every generation? I’m asking about the term, not the politics
Ah, oki
Keep in mind that those numbers are always going to be off from reality. Also it will vary heavily by state.
Gen Z is just more extreme in their views, regardless of what their actual politics are.
The rightists want a Reich, the leftists want a global communist revolution, and there’s no center.
This poll suggests otherwise.
Gen Z adults (21%) are less likely than all generational groups except millennials (21%) to identify as Republican. Meanwhile, 36% of Gen Z adults identify as Democrats, and this rate is similar to other generations, with the exception of Gen Xers, who are less Democratic (31%).
With the exception of millennials (24%), Gen Z adults (28%) are notably less likely than other generational cohorts to identify as conservative. And Gen Z adults (43%) identify as liberal at a higher rate than other generations. A plurality of Gen Z teens (44%) identify as moderate.
You read the Adjuster’s manifesto? It’s neither “liberal” nor “conservative”, but rather, has elements of both the left and right i.e. moderate according to your data. That’s just the US. People are incoherent in their ideas.
and i just want to be alone on my computer.
Might be the “horseshoe effect” where they (ultimately) converge on a few things. Change the tshirt, and that would fit trumpy gen z too.
Horseshoe theory is an incorrect oversimplification of extreme politics. If it were true then anarchists would be no different than fascists, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
I’m not asserting that they are close to the same, but that they end up aligning on certain issues more than either “side” would admit, especially at the ends of the horseshoe (like violent frustration over the same things, and disdain for some common institutions).
I too have seen the horseshoe effect in play as well.
I don’t believe authoritarians of different feathers flock together, but that doesn’t mean I’m right.
They are the least liberal generation since they grew up surrounded by the failings of liberalism. They are either hardline conservatives or leftists. Very few fall between those camps
People tend to be among their age group online. Social media and online forums are conducive to echo chambers.
Gen Z men think being rude and unrespectful will get the girlfriends. They are in the not fucking around phase of not fucking around and not finding out.
That’s sadly nothing new
PLEASE stop this.
It’s not left or right
It’s not this generation or that generation
It’s not black or white
It’s not men or women
These are distractions amplified through for profit media and captured education to keep us undermining one another, can you not see that?
As ever, it Owners vs Laborers. I don’t mean your 3.111110 shares of apple in your 401k BTW.
The owners leverage all of the above to keep us at each other’s throats instead of looking up.
Don’t hate the class traitors like McDonald’s lady, pity her. She was made into a self hating beaten dog by guess who?
We. Have. A. Common. Blight. The ones killing us and our planet for short term profit.
The one’s perpetually encouraging the poors tear eachother apart over every petty difference to maintain their class occupation and subjugation of us.
Louder for the people in the back:
I mean there are others but the others shouldn’t be fought really but it’s insanely hard to cure dumb with these drug laws.
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It’s not left or right
[proceeds to make a solid leftist argument]
I’ve never heard a solid conservative argument.
no, because I’m racist isn’t a sound reason to do things lmao
CEOs need to start dropping around the holiday season, instead of prices.
is that not what the 3rd frame is saying?
Especially with the Caesar-ish garb, it conflates boomers with owners
Most owners are boomers, but few boomers are owners.
The owners are our enemy.
It’s important to maintain focus on who the enemy is. This is subtle but derails entire movements.
The owner’s bread and butter is sowing division between the peasants. They are very efficient at it. Kind of their signature move.
I see. Thanks!
I see GenX didn’t answer. Typical slackers
Can’t answer when we were forgotten about again. IF we had been asked we would have replied, “meh, whatever.”
Nah. Y’all said “Trump will save us from the WOKE!”
The author is a self absorbed delusional moron but, well, Gen X.
Y’all…People my age who did vote for him deserve your rant, especially since they’ve known both Republicans and Trump for decades. But we all aren’t that gullible.
My X-Gen brain still reads “woke” as the opposite of “asleep”, even in its slang version. So some of us are woke, we’re just tired of not getting anywhere after all this time. So in the spirit of the comic and societal collapse, I’ll stick with my “whatever”.
Nobody asked us!
I didn’t get the fax either, maybe it went to my pager
I worked at a Kinkos (a small printing and office supply shop) around 1999 and so many people set their faxes to the main stoore number instead of the fax number
Me: Hello, Kinko’s.
Phone: short pause [hellish screetching noises]
What’s the three-digit pager code for societal collapse?
🙄 That’s your answer to everything.
“It’s my retirement plan.” Man I feel this.
i suspect that my retirement will happen befor any change; so i’m with genz on this. lol
as long as i have internet and my laptop that’s all i care about.
“It’s my retirement plan”
Uff that hit too close to home
Gen z is all about gambling for their future, because there’s no other way. Influencer careers, crypto scams, scalping
Yeah some risks need to be taken now but also gambling is not the same as taking risks when like… Gambling only ever pays the bank else casinos wouldnt be the favorite profit maker of corrupt men.
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At first I was like a cocktail and a vibrator. Then looked at the previous panels and it’s actually microphone… Maybe…
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It’s a cocktail, it’s irrelevant where it comes from 🙃
It’s only a Molotov cocktail if it comes from the Putsch region of Russia, otherwise it’s just sparkling arson.
It’s true, I’m saving for retirement, but I sure as shit am not expecting it to exist when I get there.
Look at this guy, thinking he will be able to retire.
I’m saving for ‘retirement’ so that when the end is imminent I can loot the savings for one last fling.
Gen Z is going to start [REDACTED] the CEOs.
hey just don’t hit the millennial bystander going to the grocery store.
Fr if social security goes away for young people in the U.S., it may as well be lol
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