edit: fixed title
Journalist and self-proclaimed Freedom of Information Act nerd Ken Klippenstein claims to have released Mangione’s manifesto. He also believes that some news sources are withholding it.
Manifesto (source: Klippenstein)
To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.
Mod: Please update the post title to match the original article.
Edit: Thank you.
Side note:
It’s good to see journalists willing to make a correction
Correction: This post originally stated that Elon Musk had donated over a quarter of a million dollars to elect Trump and other Republicans in last month’s election. It was over a quarter of a billion dollars. Specifically, $277 million, according to CBS News. Gizmodo regrets the error and the fact that our country is about to be run by vile billionaires who will enrich themselves even further.
Based Gizmodo
This is great stuff and he’s set out a very clear blueprint for deterrance. He’s putting Corporate America and Big Health Insurance on a PIP so looking forward to everyone doing better :)
Nice to finally throw their goddamn motherfucking bullshit rulebook right back at them and force a Medical New Deal on them
deleted by creator
Look how the pig is squeezing his neck, pretty hard from the looks of it. If Trump or his cronies were ever arrested they would set up a press box and microphones
I’m astonished that this is the only comment about that, it’s the first thing I noticed.
In modern societies that grip is reserved for violent junkies, wriggling and foaming at the mouth
Yet nobody blinks an eye
No, no there is definitely blinking
Funny how this is constantly being censored on reddit and likely other social media. I don’t think the oligarchs like the message.
[ Removed by Reddit ] being on the frontpage for hours despite being expunged near-instantly is morbidly funny. The absence is speaking louder than the silence
Editorialized title. Please restore the original article title. He has not personally released or confirmed this document.
Edit: op has fixed the titleA manifesto supposedly found with him at the time of arrest has been “leaked” selectively without any confirmation from the man himself on whether it is legitimate or not. I still find the entire rapid stack up of evidence far too convenient for the police looking for an easy win to appease capitals interests in making an example out of a “fringe lone extremist”.
It’s possible the bag with the monopoly money contained more evidence the police didn’t tell us about, so they could plant it on their fall guy.
Its also possible that wasn’t his bag? Did we have any evidence saying it was?
I assume the “Indecipherable” words are expletives? Maybe “fucking” and “assholes?”
Obviously, we’d need to see the handwriting, but just from context:
“United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart.”
Should be “fourth”. Fourth largest company. Unless he has a fun modifier on it like “fourth fucking” or “fucking fourth”.
Ahh, that makes more sense. They’re big but not the largest.
i like the idea of using indeciperable as a euphemism to replace expletives. this should be generally adopted imo.
“i have the worst indecipherable luck!”
These indecipherable guys!
What proof is there that this is legit? I’ve seen dozens of alleged versions of the manifesto. This one doesn’t have any other source than “trust me, bro”.
I thought there was only one impersonation (which was attacked since it didn’t have the quotes that the NYT had extracted from their unreleased copy).
About a possibility of a hoax: Klippenstein has a fairly reputable history of uncovering/reporting on leaks, but this situation is essentially a
Ken: Here’s the document guys.
Other news websites: Looks like Ken has the document!
There isn’t any proof. The article made this clear
Man he genuinely is a hero.
Let’s pump the breaks on crowning this guy a hero. Not that I’m batting an eye at the CEO being killed. If this guy is the shooter, we don’t know his true motivations. Maybe the leaked document is accurate, maybe not. Maybe he truly believes what’s in to doc maybe not. Maybe he has another manifesto song how he wants to kill the days or Jews(not saying he does) but let’s get some more info before calling this guy a hero for the lower classes.
Gizmodo flying a bit close to the libel laws in that article.
Despite saying they can’t confirm it’s genuine, then saying stuff like " it’s pretty clear that Mangione was motivated by the tremendous injustices regularly perpetrated by the healthcare industry in the United States."
Was he? Did he write those words? Is he the shooter? Doesn’t this kind of reporting compromise the chance of a fair hearing?
Surely he deserves the right to a trial before being found guilty, as per the Sixth Amendment?
Look at the dumb cops in the picture with so little self-awareness that they think they’re on the same side as the CEOs.
A pair of fucking stooges.
I don’t think this qualifies as a manifesto. Definition requires that it be public, not found on someone: A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
The word “manifesto” makes it seem more sinister and clickable.
People call something a “manifesto” when they want to imply that it’s a long rambling text written by a crazy person.
I personally think it still fits that definition
You have your own dictionary?
interesting that he mentions social engineering in the manifesto. makes me think he lured the CEO somehow and that’s why he knew exactly when the target would be there. he waited for like 5 minutes before the CEO showed up, that was unrealistically precise if all you had was public information.
It could simply mean he checked his public social media and knew where he would go. Social “engineering” can be as simple as a web search.
I could stalk a lot of people with 5 min accuracy, easy. Most people have schedules and routines. It’s not rocket science.
That’s OSINT not SE
Its possible the author wasn’t aware of the difference. And since the author was likely LE, it makes sense
well that would tell him the conference starts at 8am or something. based on that he could guesstimate maybe the CEO will arrive 1~2 hours before. but to narrow it down to 5 minutes? i think he would need something more.
Stop making assumptions. The article is clear that we have 0 evidence that this is the actual.manifesto. at this point its just fanfic
it was released by a somewhat credible source and most aligned with the bits and pieces already released by the media. of course it could still be fabrication, but i’d say it’s relatively safe to think it’s real. hopefully i don’t make fool out of myself…
Or maybe he had more planned. He’s vague about the scope of what he did, as if the letter were there in case he got caught at any point.
It would provide an explanation for him keeping the gun.
Quick and to the point. Is there anything this guy isn’t good at?
Keeping a low profile while on the run, allegedly. :x
McDonald’s really should use this opportunity to release a “too irresistible” ad
You mean McDonald’s competitors?
Hah! “No rats here. Burger King”
Eyebrow maintenance
Anthony Davis has entered the chat
Bushy brow king
I swear it’s how they recognized him
Controlling the media narrative. Or at least that’s my fear. Just finished watching “Interior Chinatown” and surprisingly relevant commentary on the “media spectacle”. It expects violence but it won’t just let you tell your story.
Disposing of murder weapons.
Literally parts of it were made in plastic and could have simply been burned lol
Rowing, probably. Then again, core strength can lessen back pain. That’s how I’ve managed a pinched disc.
I don’t think this is complete. I read that police found a 3 page manifesto. That’s a long paragraph at best.
edit: word
You’re correct in that the NYPD said that it was a “handwritten, three-page document” – I found it odd too – but, the “document” could’ve been on one of those mini notebooks, or in large print, or scrawled.
From another perspective – if the transcription is incomplete, then Klippenstein either (1) omitted text by his own hand, (2) could not acquire the entire document but was unaware that he hadn’t, or (3) did not acquire the entire document but withheld his report’s weakness of breadth.
I’m not sure Klippenstein’s incompleteness is very likely
I don’t think that journalist is lying. I just wondered if the leaker released the full document to him or if they gave him this and said that was it.
I suppose it could be whatever was in the notebook.
Handwritten can sprawl real quick
It references that…
This is some post he made somewhere, and it explicitly says there’s more info in the spiral notebook.
I dont think this is even what police found. we have 0 evidence. The article makes this clear