White power
White power
It is abundantly clear that he is, and that they are. Stop giving credit to people that are in front of you live creating lies on the spot about what they just said, because in their head they have permission to gaslight people into elevating them to godhood? This is a dangerous extreme take, get your glasses on.
These people that are dismantling your country and robbing the coffers, they are waging a class war. They don’t care about borders. They’re tired that the other classes have any power or wealth at all, they want their last half of a percent
You don’t understand that it has always been the hyper capitalist agenda, after Soviet fell since then Russia has chosen capitalism and now it’s a super hyper capitalist union where corporations are worshipped as post human entities and is governed by their demonic rage fueled consumption that supports the exponential growth. It will always attack when exponential growth seems impossible and eat something new. Both superpowers are fully enslaved by these entities and no one person or even billionaire is its master. As soon as someone doesn’t comply, the megacorp “restructures” and swaps out the used up humans replacing them with new human puppets that are oh so eager to prove they are loyal only to the growth and not to humanity. No one lasts. But the entity is timeless and has no other directive than to grow mercilessly and without compassion. It chooses only the most psychopathic humans to do its more important biddings. This is the model that has scientifically ruined the happiness and standards of living for anyone living in close proximity to the host state, and several orders of magnitude worse for the states that control the resources the entity requires. Where policy has made people improve in happiness and welfare, a complicated propaganda machine relentlessly works to entice the population that the capitalist model is prevailing. Its main weapon becomes apathy and subjugation via hypnosis, bathing the children and young adults minds in dopamine, creating an imbalance where the will to act or improve gets overshadowed by the immediate injections of entertainment at any time of leisure until they should work again in the morning. The megacorps needs humanity only to serve and reproduce in an orderly fashion while longing for the next flush of seratonin they are allowed. We seem to be unable to resist this most of us, some know intuitively we shouldn’t because we get sick and die, but we have no biological mechanism to defend ourselves with, it’s easy to hijack the mind of someone that is not struggling. A pacified mind is easy to abuse. But when struggles begin, if it doesn’t happen in designated war zones, it’s terrorism. Most men that cannot take this conveniently travel to the nearest proxy war and participate in slaying like minded boys and girls. The entities have since long ago been ascended to have more rights than humans, and their acolytes that keep it impervious are called lawyers and lobbyists, whose sole purpose is to secure the consumption of the planet so nothing can stop it. The most zealous and ruthless are promoted so they can feel responsible for the exponential infinite growth. It is the working class, the pacified masses, that are the biggest threat to them. When they decide to strike or boycott, they can topple entities in one stroke. Often the officers will abandon the entity and merge or plant new growths as the ecosystem is perfect for them right now.
I think they carefully calculated when the sofa apathy had ripened into a fully paralysing inability to protest or act due to deep hypnosis. They don’t need to be afraid. Nobody is reacting. They test what they can get away with and made this plan. The oligarchy has been installed now
Literally just one billionaire could end world hunger. It’s such an easy way to go to history forever as a good guy. But they all become corrupt in the soul as soon as they have more than they can use. It’s a systematic problem and the problem is the demonic capitalist entities known as the megacorps
No they said they were going to. It was very clear that your countrymen decided exactly this.
Wonder why the oligarchy is targeting it then
No, it’s because he has got orders to make a spectacle so he just says what he thinks, that it’s gone on for x minutes now time to enact the ambush, then he comments on the “great television” because he has accomplished the oligarchy’s mission to stage this farcical peace talk.
Truuuue, I think you’re right. But shouldn’t a picture say a thousand words?
Oh nono there’s also culpable apathy
Aaah first I really thought, well, there it is, they began the killing. I’m glad that’s not what happened
I have never understood why Americans can only do tribal choices never can politics be about policy, never about effective plans, it’s only putting down the other party so yours bob up, and you can never discuss any issues without knowing first what label the other have so you can agree / disagree with exactly everything without even thinking about what they said or if you agree with it
Brown, however, is actually just dark orange. And that’s a mindfuck to me
It’s called teal when it’s between green and blue because of this very type of argument.
It means you are not allowed any more. We can use temp ban or timeout or mute etc. For the same. If we want to specify forever, we can say perma ban.
You can jailbreak it and own it also
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