You’re trying too hard to sound macho. Your mates won’t read that, so why bother?
The funny thing is that at least here in Australia, they gay and trans people I know are better mentality than many people like yourself who are seeking approval from others. And plenty more badass. I’m not even gay either, so no idea what you’re talking about
He’s already dehumanising foreigners (claiming they’re all criminals and eating peoples pets) and trying to claim LGBTI are criminals
So, it’s not actually a joke. He has already started following the Nazi playbook
What are you fuckers gonna do when you run out of letters in the alphabet for all your disorders?
We’re going to eat your children obviously
You’re trying too hard to sound macho. Your mates won’t read that, so why bother?
The funny thing is that at least here in Australia, they gay and trans people I know are better mentality than many people like yourself who are seeking approval from others. And plenty more badass. I’m not even gay either, so no idea what you’re talking about
Pretty standard Dictator Handbook stuff.
Manufacture external enemies.
Manufacture internal enemies.
Take all the money.
Blame everyone else for the problems the country faces, choose populist, stupid, ineffective or detrimental solutions, repeat.
Choose violence.
He’s been doing it for 8+ years
The man got on a stage and did a speech parroting Mussolini. This election was wild.
If you think it was wild, wait until he needs to transfer power again.
Naw he will likely be dead, and the couch fucker will do the dirty work.