The Windows File Explorer is now dependent on Microsoft Recall being installed on Windows 11 24H2 editions and likely later.

This means that if you wish to use newer versions of the Window file explorer, you have to install recall on your system. Recall is a deeply-rooted, non-negotiable feature on all modern versions of Windows.


If you wish to strip out recall from your system, you are no longer able to use the built-in graphical file explorer and must use a third-party tool, and if you’re not allowed to do that on the machine, then you are forced to have recall running on the system as it doesn’t appear on any graphical settings pages.

The other solution is to prepare for transitioning into a free operating system such as GNU/Linux with distributions such as Linux Mint which is designed specifically for that transition. You can also run an older version of Windows and refuse to update.


Turns out that this issue has been exaggerated and that there are ways to disable co-pilot on Windows machines (or at the very least, command Windows to do so). Also it’s debatable whether this program does any harm on non “copilot” computers but you can be the judge of that.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 months ago

    Uft. Jesus. I’d have to think about it for a while.

    Does Linux have an equivalent of Windows Powertoys Fancyzones?

    Equivalent to Eartrumpet?

    I mostly use FOSS software anyway, so stuff like Libreoffice, GIMP, OBS, that shouldn’t be much of a problem.

    Idk. I think the biggest issue will be figuring out how to set up my workflow again. I rely heavily on FancyZones to keep my desktop legible. I’m very fond of rainmeter. But I suppose for a lot of it I’ll just have to fuss with it until it feels right.

    Part of my concern is it seems like most things I’d want are doable, but there’s a lot of hoops to jump through. Like I have an Azeron Cyro mouse bc I was concerned about RSI. Works great, most comfortable mouse I’ve ever used, but it sounds like to get it to run on Linux you need to run a windows VM, a macro program, and a couple of other things. In windows I just plug it in and use the keymapping software that comes iwth the mouse.

    • FunkYankkkees [they/them, pup/pup's]
      4 months ago

      Sorry for jumping into another thread but I think I can help with some of these

      Does Linux have an equivalent of Windows Powertoys Fancyzones?

      Depending on what you use it for a tiling window manager might replace it, or KDE plasma has similar functionality built in I believe

      Equivalent to Eartrumpet?

      I think Pulse Audio Volume Control does everything Eartrumpet does, it comes default with some distributions or you can install the package pavucontrol

    • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
      4 months ago

      If I understand what fancyzones is, I think people make plugins for gnome and kde that are like Fancyzones. There’s also entire window managers that are like scriptable fancyzones. I’m talking about tiling window managers like awesomeWM and i3. They’re pretty technical but some people really like them.