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  • Flying
    21 hours ago

    whats really awful is when someone writes a huge block of text with no punctuation whatsoever and you cant understand anything they wrote without having to reread it 20 times and even then its probably still not clear what theyre trying to come across and by the fourth time you think you should have encountered a period it gets super tiring and you want to give up but at the same time maybe this person has something worth saying so you really try and you get to the end and you think no maybe i missed something so you go back to the top and you reread the whole thing and you try to reread sentence by sentence where you think the sentences start and end but nope none of it was worth reading at all and you dont even know why they posted it when theyre clearly only semiliterate why do people not pay attention in school english classes is what i want to know and also its super annoying when the post is very long and theres not even a paragraph break or two to help you get through it if you know what i mean im really tired of these people they need to go back to school or something what are they stupid

      • Flying
        20 hours ago

        You have no idea how difficult that was for a pedantic fellow like me to write.

        I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve edited one of my comments due to noticing a spelling or punctuation issue.