• probablyaCat@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    The Holocaust involved the Nazis gathering up whole populations, unprovoked, and sending them to ghettos, concentration camps, and then extermination camps. While the world population has nearly quadrupled since WW2, the Jewish population only just reached their pre-holocaust levels recently. They starved them, worked them to death, tortured and experimented on them, and then tried to murder the rest en masse with gas.

    Gaza certainly has a blockade. And I do not approve of everything that Israel does, even when I can understand the rationale. But let us be absolutely clear. That blockade is absolutely less controlled than even the ghettos of Warsaw. Not to mention, they share a border with an entirely different country with whom they have been free to form diplomatic relations with and could have had freedom of movement, supplies, etc through for 18 years now. Longer, really but I’ll use the minimum value. But they haven’t even done that. Why? Because the group from Hamas formed also performed terrorism in Egypt.

    At no point has any of this been unprovoked. At no point has this looked anything like Auschwitz. I have repeatedly seen the population density of Gaza brought up (6,507/km2). The Warsaw ghetto had 450,000 people in 3 km2. So in case you don’t like math, that’s about 150,000/km2.

    Auschwitz, which apparently I shouldn’t mention but I’m going to, had at least 1.3 million prisoners. At least 1.1 million were killed. That was one camp out of several.

    The situation in Gaza is terrible and sad. But you don’t get say it is the same as the Holocaust. That Israel is doing the same thing. This isn’t unprovoked. Even now, they are holding hostages. They’ve continued to fire rockets. They have dug up their own infrastructure to make rockets. At no point have they even tried to be self sufficient. Nor have they tried… not attacking Israel. Attacking Israel (actually, attacking the Jews more generally according to the charter), establishing an Islamic state in the entire region and removing Israel from the map. That’s the platform on which Hamas was elected. Show me where the Jews of Europe took over Poland and attacked Germany. Show me where Germany dealt with those attacks for decades, including providing utilities and healthcare to Poland during that time.

    I will not attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. I will assume you are simply an uneducated fool who wants to push a narrative, rather than a malicious antisemite. The un-cited number of deaths (I’m guessing the only source you’ll find is the Hamas government… the one that said over 500 died after Israel bombed a hospital a couple days back) that you stated don’t even compare to just the Warsaw Ghetto. The death toll for the entire conflict in Israel and Palestine don’t even compare to just the deaths in the Warsaw Ghetto. The situation is entirely different. Your statement is absolutely disgusting and you should feel ashamed. You can argue and oppose Israel’s tactics. You can even argue that this fits some definitions of ethnic cleansing if you want. But you don’t get to say what you said without being an absolutely disgusting person.

    • filister@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      So your whole reasoning is that because Jewish people have been oppressed in the past give them a carte blanche to oppress other people?

      Didn’t you think that Hamas is in power because of the ill treatment and oppression of the Palestinians?

      Do you think that the Nazi party would come into force if it wasn’t the Versailles treaty, that put the German people into a corner, with hyperinflation and no hope in sight. Can’t you see the parallels?

      When did violence have given birth to something good?

      • probablyaCat@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Where did I say anything about them having carte blanche to oppress? Where did I say their oppression gave them any rights? I didn’t. I said that why9 was disgusting for what they said and explained why.

        And no. I do not think Hamas is only in power due to things Israel has done. Beyond existing. The Muslim brotherhood existed before Israel. They have spring up in most countries that have a major Muslim population as Islamic extremists. They want a unified Muslim state under Sharia law. Even if Israel did not exist, Hamas would likely still exist in the region in some form telling the ruling powers they aren’t Islamic enough. And killing people. Gay people. Women who want to have equal rights. Atheists. People who decide they don’t want to be Muslim. World leaders who sign peace treaties.

        Yeah it’s pretty accepted now that the harsh punishments post WWI created the perfect environment for ww2. But it is also accepted that appeasement to Germany to prevent ww2 was a really bad idea as well. Parallels only go so far. I was not drawing a parallel in my above comment. I was explaining how very different the Holocaust was from the Palestinian territories.

        Umm violence ended pretty much every war. Civil war and slavery and all that (in the U.S.). WW2 (that ending was real violent). Non-violence is definitely preferable, but it isn’t always an option.