Personally, I think it’s going to become a massive success.

  • Coelacanth
    7 months ago

    Mechanically I think the game is pretty good. Nice movement, fun and well designed skills and a great map design with lots of traversal options and verticality.

    For myself, I find myself struggling a bit. I haven’t played a ton of games yet, so maybe my MMR isn’t properly stabilised, but I’m consistently having issues with farming. On lane I know it’s partially down to my aim, but the bigger issue is end of the laning phase and into the mid game, when team fights and pushing start happening and everyone moves all over the map. I’m really having trouble picking up farm while simultaneously participating and often fall behind dramatically here. And the game is a big struggle when you’re outfarmed. Which I guess folds into my primary criticism of the game in general so far - it feels very snowbally.

    But I don’t know, it could be I’m just getting too old for fast paced shooters.