Lemmy seems like the right place to ask this. Personally I’ve really enjoyed Gurgle, which is a FOSS Wordle clone app.

  • @Fisk400
    128 months ago

    Did you use the youtube tutorials from the doughnut guy?

    I tried to learn blender by just using it and googling the issues but gave up several times. Then I bit the bullet and went trough a proper video tutorial. Most of them run at increments of 10-20 minutes and each one reaches enough to be useful on its own.

    Another tip is to do lots of tiny things you can reasonably make in a weekend before doing big things.

    • Thelsim
      18 months ago

      I prefer to use tutorials I can read and reference. But I’m willing to give videos a try if you say it’s a good one for a total beginner.
      Could you give me a link?

      • @Fisk400
        28 months ago

        Yeah, Absolutely. https://youtu.be/nIoXOplUvAw?si=NsMPxjkNfcCfuf6I This guy. I haven’t done the most recent tutorial he has made because he actually goes back and redoes the beginners tutorial to keep up with the most recent version but the earlier versions of this was great for me.

        • Thelsim
          18 months ago

          Thanks! Someone else already posted the link but I really appreciate you still following up on this. I can see now why you call him the doughnut guy :)

      • mifan
        28 months ago

        I’m absolute with you on prefering written tutorials and documentation, however when it comes to beginner tutorials for Blender, there’s simply nothing better than the doughnut tutorial from Blenderguru. It’s not a “do this then do this” video - he’s actually explaining what he does and why, so when you’re finished, you actually have ideas of what to do with your own projects.

        3D art is a complex thing - but you can actually get a long way following the doughnut tutorial, and after that, you may be open to try other video tutorials or have a look at other channels.

        Link to the doughnut series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIoXOplUvAw&list=PLjEaoINr3zgFX8ZsChQVQsuDSjEqdWMAD

        Another favorite of mine to mostly just watch is Grant Abbitt: https://www.youtube.com/@grabbitt/featured

        • Thelsim
          28 months ago

          Thank you for the information! I just need to put some dedicated time aside to learn this, but it looks like a good place to get started.

          • mifan
            28 months ago

            Take it a little at a time. The blenderguru videos are short and arr perfect for doing 30 mins today, 30 mins the next day - you don’t need to do it all in one sitting.