zifnab25 [he/him, any]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Threw a few basic keyword searches at it and it just returns Wikipedia / Britannica as the top results, consistently.

    Then I went fishing for anime torrents and got some fairly decent results.

    I did some basic “news of the day” searches and I get back exactly what you’d expect. Links to PBS and NYT and WaPo for the most part.

    Somehow, this is marginally better than Google/Bing, but not by much. I’m really not seeing a difference. Other than “Its based because we’re conservative” what is the sell on this digital tool?

  • We will be more like China

    We won’t be like China. We’ll be more insulated and divorced from Chinese media, culture, and conversation.

    That’s the stated end goal. Bringing up sharp walls between nationalities in order to control the flow of information between people.

    If we keep TikTok open, we risk exposing American young people to Chinese norms, ideals, and social standards. We might even be exposed directly to Chinese mass media (ie, propaganda).

    This is a real security risk, as it raises a possibility that younger Americans won’t accept American mass media at face value.