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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月15日


  • Eh. LRG puts out dumb stuff all the time, but they’re not forcing anyone to buy their $200 Bill & Ted limited edition with stickers, soundtrack, and SteelBook or whatever. It’s not a company’s responsibility to sell you less stuff.

    If you just want an easy way to play certain games on your Switch or PS4, they can be an easy way of doing so if you no longer have the console in question or if the market rate for original cartridges or discs has priced you out.

    They also occasionally put out the first Western licensed version of certain Japanese games on original media, which I think is pretty worthwhile and something they should do more of. Provided they aren’t just CD-Rs.

    No one needs to buy every random thing they put out.

  • This article was fascinating.

    I was just talking to a couple of software engineer friends the other day about how engineering research like this doesn’t really happen anymore outside of the massive companies, and even within those it’s greatly reduced.

    Now it’s all about applied engineering (app development using established technologies and techniques), with research limited to incremental gains with new technologies, augmented by published research. But it wasn’t always like this; there was a gradual erosion. Just prior to this latest era, a company could at least plausibly start a project to use published research with no public implementation and build an implementation. Our careers started in the 2000s and we remember a better time…

    Two of us work in a large company currently and were recently closely involved with some of the most “speculative” research at the company, and it was almost entirely incremental. The third person is a literal research engineer at an engineering research firm who says real research described in articles like these is dead.

    I can’t imagine having two years to produce something so ex nihilo these days, and the fact that they were able to achieve so much in such a short amount of time is truly incredible, and a testament to the quality of the engineers.

  • I bought three games and two manga adaptations from this collection, so nothing super rare. But they were all in very good condition.

    Unfortunately there’s just not that much appetite at museums for displaying the crazy in-depth game collections of some folks. As the article says, most such museums are geared at showing an overall history. If only I were a multimillionaire who could afford to build a museum and put in place enough security to guarantee the safety of the items on display…

  • Discord did not answer questions about whether these users were repeat copyright infringers, had received any previous warnings, or were forwarded any takedown requests.

    Yeah look, this isn’t how DMCA takedowns work. Why would anyone think you get a practice round when it comes to copyright infringement?

    And it doesn’t matter for Discord if it was valid DMCA or not; Discord isn’t going to take up your cause with their legal team. Why would anyone think they would? That’s the job of the entity that was acted on.

    (And let’s set aside that there’s a good chance it probably was valid for the reasons they briefly alluded to in the article. It just takes one person doing something dumb.)

    Blaming Discord is silly. Any corporation would do the same. Don’t depend on a corporation providing a service for free if you don’t want to be subject to their judgment. There’s a reason we’re all on Lemmy.