you seem to want to bring conservative political talking points to a baldurs gate forum. Why? Please stop.
Firstly, you know nothing about my political leanings. If I had to myself in one of your “boxes” it would definitely be left leaning not conservative, so that makes your point moot.
This is lucky for you, I have not been so lucky and had to be forced to train people that did not have the ability to do the job but were hired solely based on other factors even though their were better candidates. But of course YOUR experience invalidates everything else.
Did I even mention all the stuff in the game? If fact It even said it was GOOD WRITING by QUALIFIED people. No I did not… again projection on your part trying to force a narrative that is not there.
My point always has been and will be… Hire on merit and not to fit quotas. This is not political or any such thing, it again is YOUR projection for YOUR narrative.