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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I mean not really. Greater jihad is a fully inner struggle to be a good person. Lesser jihad is about converting others, the lesser jihad of the pen/tongue is about debate and proselytizing, onky jihad of the sword is about violence and only those in active combat. For all Muslims the greater jihad is the most important part, and for 95% of Muslims the jihad of the pen is the only relavent part. In the Qur’an there are roughly 30 references to greater jihad, and 10 or so for the lesser jihad.

  • I have a buckwheat pillow. I find it extremely comfortable, it reduced my neck pain. It is hard, but molds to the shape of your neck in a very comfortable way. It doesnt get lumoy in the same way a traditional pillow does.I have replaced it once now, first set lasted about 2 years. I personally greatly value that it is renewable material. The up front is kinda high, but the cost to replace the stuffing is low. I think it’ll be comparable to a cheap regular pillow after one more replacement, which I think it’s definitely durable enough to get to I also bet im paying a but more for hulls than i needed if i was willing to shop around. It’s also cool cause you can clean the pillow itself quite easily by just emptying the hulls out. It stays cooler than a standard pillow.

    For downsides, it is like sleeping on a beanbag. I’ve heard some say it’s “loud” in that your ear is pressed right up against it and you can hear the hulls(?) Move around if you move, nit a problem for me, but people with sensory issues beware. I found that the grain made a texture that overtime annoyed my cheek, but a second pillow case was enough to fix that problem for me. It’s quite heavy, I like this because it neans it moves less, but my wife finds it annoying.

    I got one, had my wife get one after trying mine and I’m thinking of a gettibg a 3rd at some point. I got mine from comfy comfy and I would recommend their contour version as it seems to keep the hulls distributed more evenly than the standard.

  • The currency is sometimes considered a proper noun, the individual denominations are always considered common nouns.

    if I’m working on the stock exchange I might track the value of the Dollar (a proper noun). If I’m buying from your lemonade stand I’d give you a dollar (a common noun).

    likewise the Ouguiya is worth about 1/400th of the US Dollar. If you go to the bank, they could give you a 1 ouguiya coin.

    Here’s a source and here is the MLA style guide not capitalizing dollar.