• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I am a little curious about the conditional. I have a suspicion that this is a bit of over engineering.

    The problem you seem to be trying to solve is “I need to access the same data in multiple ways, places, or projects.” That’s what a database is really great for. However, if you just need to combine the same csv files you have on disk over and over, why not combine them and dump the output to a csv? Next time you need it, just load the combined csv. FWIW this is loosely what SQLite is doing.

    If you are defining a method or function that performs these ETL operations over and over, and the underlying data is not changing, I think updating your local files to be the desired content and format is actually what you want.

    If instead you’re trying to explore modules, imports, abstraction, writing DRY code, or other software development fundamentals- great! Play around, it’s a great way to learn how might also recommend picking up some books! Usually your local library has some books on Python development, object oriented programming, and data engineering basics that you might find fascinating (as I have)

  • You didn’t link those because those are the ones Israel singed, you linked them because you didn’t know the difference.

    The protocol I provisions on indiscriminate attacks define what and which civilian deaths are acceptable. Indiscriminate bombings - like blowing up a car in front of a completely unrelated building full of civilians - are unacceptable under protocol I. If your argument is that those attacks are moral because Israel is not a signatory of that protocol I’d argue they’re still committing war crimes, they just don’t admit it.

  • This is literally the same argument bigots have always made. Lemme ask you a question: if we let women vote do you really think they would make the right choices?

    If we let black people use the same bathrooms as white people do you really think they’d behave?

    If we let those refugees in do you really think they’ll contribute to society?

    If we dismantle apartheid do you really think they can govern themselves?

    If we free the slaves do you really think they can do anything but menial labor?

    What I think is whenever someone asks me if I really think we should stop discriminating against a group of people because they’re not worthy of respect, dignity, and basic right to life, I think that person fucking sucks