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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024

  • I stopped watching TV when I was six months old Because it was so boring and stupid And started reading books And going to recitals And art galleries

    I don’t go to recitals anymore Because my hearing is too sensitive And I don’t go to art galleries anymore Because there are people there And I can’t deal with people Because they don’t understand me

    I stay home Reading books that are beneath me And working on my work Which no one understands

    I am sensitive I am a sensitive artist

    – King Missile

  • I wonder how these arguments are going to go someday when we have weapons that can just emit a field that instantly gives people cancer or vibrates their hearts to death or erases a person’s memory. The MAGAs will all argue that is their right to leave out beacons that covers a certain radius and will just run around chuckling “you triggered? you mad bro? you got sudden bone cancer or an exploded heart bro? can’t remember your kids? cry more ahahaha” and Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas will say of course these are fine, erasing peoples minds and having them drop to the ground when they encounter certain frequencies are just what the founding fathers intended (but keep those things a long fucking way away from us, of course)