Aren’t they? I didn’t check but the docs for my open source stuff are just markdown in the same repository that gets built on release.
Edit: found them
Not everyone is required to do so. You just need to find a server that aligns with your values. Communities always censor content, one way or another. Call it moderation. Otherwise, you end up a piling piece of burning trash.
Sounds painful. Hopefully, you embraced the FOSS mindset and contributed the missing 10% to the docs.
Authority deciding what you see? You mean like Reddit does? With Lemmy you can always change servers, heck, even set up your own server with your own rules.
It’s okay. I get about 2-3h of discord, 3-4h of programming and 5h of browsing the web. Since they fixed the issue with the display extension cards it even holds charge in sleep mode pretty well. Unfortunately, nothing compared to the M1 MacBook I have to use for work but still decent.
I love my framework. Ubuntu and Fedora work out of the box. I didn’t like the glossy screen but they even fixed that. The only problem is that I cannot justify to replace a 1 year old screen just because it’s glossy.
Says the highest industry lobbyist of the country. I don’t by it.
I found the example of a pub really interesting. One could see sites like Reddit as something like this. On the other hand, pubs don’t use unpaid “volunteers” (at least outside the US) to wait the tables.
In the end the proposition of an online community, made and maintained by the community, seems at odds with making profit. Maybe concepts like Lemmy can fill the gap and each user only has to provide their share to keep their instance running.
Hör bloß auf, ich bin der Machine-Learing-Sparte tätig und es geht mir so auf den Sack. Viele Unternehmen kriegen es nicht mal hin ihre Daten vernünftig zu halten (20 Excel-Tabellen mit 21 verschiedenen Schemata sind keine ordentliche Datenhaltung) und wollen jetzt auf einmal krass KI machen.
Ich hoffe einfach, dass Dinge die LLMs gut können, z.B. dummschwatzen, bald als obsolet angesehen werden und wir es einfach lassen. Wir schön wäre eine Welt ohne Bewerbungsschreiben.
Tbh it’s not worth to taint your memory of ME with Andromeda. I tried to play it twice: once on release where I stopped because I couldn’t care less for the story and a second time where o finished the game because I paid 60€ for it.
The combat it really nice, but that’s it. The game has an open world shoehorned into it, even though ME doesn’t need one. The characters are cringe because they try to invoce a familiarity that the characters in the original trilogy spend three games to build up. In the end I just found myself bored and simply wanted to finish the main quest. I devoured the original games and never wanted them to end.
Tagesschau hat allerdings auch über Kritik berichtet. Vielleicht ist es Wunschdenken aus meiner Bubble heraus, aber ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen, dass so viele junge Männer noch so ticken.
I hear where you’re coming from but this isn’t what the article said. Dutch people use other modes of transportation than bikes. Just not as much. There are use cases where cars are hard to replace but right now, we are using them for way too many things. Public transportation is another alternative to cars that is way to often overlooked.
Send it to the McElroys