• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Look I appreciate value and history of socialism, but suggesting that life was good under Soviet rule ignores reality. If you talk to people who lived under it life was so bad that risking death and imprisonment to flee to the west was a worthwhile endeavor. Bread lines existed, famine happened, quality of goods was shockingly bad, violence was how order was maintained, and the idea of free speech and discourse even in ones own home came with great personal risk.

    Now, dont think for a second that just because I take issue with remembering the USSR with rose glasses I think things are all rainbows and holding hands in the west throughout history. Capitalism is clearly more destructive to the world. Capitalism created global warming and climate change, it has extracted nearly all wealth and value from people to the extent that most people in the US struggle with basic needs.

    Suggesting that authoritarian police states like the USSR are where life was good is a dangerous re-painting of history, as is suggesting that capitalism comes with no risks or costs to humanity. We obviously need something better, but the USSR is not the history lesson we should base our next society on.

  • Yes, but no…

    For a basic user, who does not expect to be doing anything special beyond opening existing programs, or using programs downloaded from the package-manager its possible to never touch terminal.

    I have two kids who daily drive Manjaro based light gaming PC’s, they never touch the terminal, but they also dont administer their systems, I do.

    I do use the terminal, frequently for updates, and some specialized tasks like minecraft mods which require unpacking files and sometimes fixing permissions.

    So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.

  • Medication is a leg up but not a cure for ADHD. Some people can come off medication and be perfectly functional adults, others will need support for their whole life. I was first diagnosed in 1998 but we were still in the early days of really understanding it along with learning disabilities and how we treat them. In addition I was already an adult so many of my habits, and brain pathways had been established already.

    Today, I still fidget, I still forget things, I still nod my head and pretend I listened but nothing was captured or understood, I still get moments of hyperfixation and times where I cant find any motivation to do anything even preferred tasks. Probably the hardest thing for me is impulse control and executive function, and its the least affected by my medication.

    I struggle with communication and authority and can react poorly in social situations because of this impulse/executive function difficulty. Thankfully I have support other than just chemical, I have an ADHD coach (she is ok), and a Therapist who is fantastic.

    { "diagnosis": "ADHD", "treatment": ["lisdexamfetamine ", "sertraline"], "age": "43", "years_in_treatment": "25", "remaining_symptoms": [ "fidgeting", "hyperfixations", "hyperfocus","executive dysfunction","interm memory disorder","depression","racing thoughts" ], "attention_span": "45", "record_date": "31/05/2024" }

  • Money is not speech, and individuals can donate, but corporations should not be able to do so. First Past the Post always produces a 2 party system, we need to switch to something like ranked choice, or other voting system where my vote counts, and i can vote for candidates who I actually want to win. I want redistricting to be non partisan by law, and proportional universally as was the intent in the constitution. If that means that we need to expand the house (which we do) to keep at the 30,000:1 ratio defined in the constitution then we should do so. I want voting right to be treated as rights. Automatic registration, paid national voting holidays, and overturning felony disenfranchisement.

    So, these are not my ideas and they are being fed to me, by who? Also yes not a single one of them is my idea they are concepts that I have found through research, discussions, and deliberate thought.

    You keep attacking me personally but providing no rational rebuttal to any of the references or points I have made. I really am open to adjusting my opinions when provided with better evidence or better arguments (logical not emotional). I really dont understand what you want from me, do you want me to just vote for democrats because Trump is evil? Do you want me to just vote because you think every vote counts? Do you think I have an agenda to get people not to vote for Biden because I disagree with his support of Netanyahu?

    Could you please take a moment to stop attack and help me understand?