• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Well I guess it quite depends on your view towards a diagnosis of ASD. For some it can be relief to understand themselves and for some like your case it may weigh you down. The motive of that knowledge and functioning in NT society is important on whether a diagnosis really helps I guess.

    I have not yet taken a formal diagnosis because I don’t really see a benefit for me (I have an ADHD one though, but I don’t think it explains the whole story), and as you already mentioned masking is a thing and it seems to get “easier” further in life as you learn to mask better.

    For others it may be beneficial. I don’t think you should project your experience onto others, just because it wasn’t good for you.

    After all a diagnosis should help you function better in society and understand yourself better. It shouldn’t weigh you down (sorry if that’s your experience).

    After having read too many articles about all of that stuff, it’s after all labels for strong and strongly correlating as I like it to call personality traits (or “conditions”). So yeah, if the label (i.e. diagnosis) helps you, good for you. But if you function well enough in society without additional help, sure you probably don’t really need a formal diagnosis, but I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t self-diagnose, when you’ve done your research, and you want some explanation for your behavior.

  • If anyone knows your life, it is yourself, so when you know the diagnostic criteria, why wouldn’t you be qualified to self-diagnose?

    As an anecdote: I have researched (among other conditions) ADHD and Autism so deeply, that I know probably more than the psychiatrics I had to do with about those (also probably not exactly ND behavior). Having all your behavior be confirmed by someone else is good anyway, but I don’t see a big issue with self-diagnosis when you’ve done your research (and took a few questionaires).

  • This! I feel it myself, my ADHD was much better when I stayed in a relatively natural setting with only little technology. for a few weeks (I did some programming there though, and boy was I focused in complex problems without medication etc. had one of my best coding sessions there I think). I’m pretty sure that a lot of ADHD but also other psychiatric issues like autism or social anxiety etc. that is diagnosed these days is because of all this unhealthy environment we have created. Or in other words, our modern technology promotes psychiatric issues such as ADHD, autism, social anxiety etc.

  • autism, who loves executive function

    I guess we have a different understanding of executive function, I guess what you mean is Monotropism/intense focus on getting things done perfectly. Executive function TMU should be full control of getting all kinds of things done (basically at the same time) and regulating priorities/emotions/what you say socially, planning things etc.

    But I generally agree on what you mean, let the creative/idea process be driven by the chaotic nature of ADHD and the intense focus of getting things done driven by Autism/Monotropism (which btw. is strongest on people with AuDHD after studies).

  • Yep tinkering with the system is probably the main issue (for that NixOS is awesome btw.). But even when you’re not constantly tinkering. System-State accumulates over time, bugs are also apparent in (upgrading of) distros, and the maintainers of a distro cannot realistically handle every upgrade time-point x -> y, so stuff will likely break after some time.

    But even when I have fixed all the issues in my previous at some time broken distros, at some point it just feels good to have a freshly installed system without all that dirty accumulated state (NixOS + impermanence and you’ll have that every reboot :P, see also this)

  • You probably don’t have much on that system and/or you have a lot of discipline…

    I did reinstall it after max 1 1/2 years (Arch btw.), either because of breakage, or weird behavior, or it was a chaotic dumpster fire.

    At some point I discovered NixOS and was sold (and am still sold after 3 1/2 years using it). But it has a steep learning curve, though it certainly got better over that time.