Aw man, that’s a bummer. Some of the better voices on F1 TV I think. Sam as well
Aw man, that’s a bummer. Some of the better voices on F1 TV I think. Sam as well
With the new gateless skip it’s basically the same exact time. You clip right into the gate
I’d guess so, and that makes sense to limit the people wealthy enough to buy property and not live in Spain
Not saying you’re a rich landlord
“it’s current not voltage that kills you”
High voltage: “Por que no los dos?”
Oh, I think that largely depends where you live. Some places it’s much cheaper than gas or electric to heat your home. If that’s how you were already heating your home some water on top is easy
Do you have a fireplace or a stove for heating anywhere? My family always used a pan of water on top of those in the winter
Hm glass ceiling. Strasbourg?
It was the narrator from Actual Cannibal Shia Lebouf for me
Ah the link up there, The Room
Oh man you’re in for a great time.
See if there’s a live showing of it near you. It’s kinda like Rocky Horror Picture Show? Cult classic, lots of audience interaction when shown live. It’s earnestly bad but that’s what makes it good
Ah that sucks to hear. Surely you’re in the US? There are a lot of other countries where it’s great
That’s a great list of places to go
No one entity should be the arbiter of that. But if most people think nazism is bad, then anyone who platforms a Nazi shouldn’t be listened to, laughed off the air even.
I don’t know what is going wrong (education, perhaps), but the people who support Joe Rogan are (like it or not) supporting recruiting new Nazis.
I guess what I’m trying to convey is:
You can listen to whoever you want. But if you defend joe Rogan for platforming everyone, my counter argument is he platforms Nazis and the rest he does kind of doesn’t matter after that.
But if giving Nazis a platform radicalizes 10 people to become Nazis and 1 to reconsider, then it makes for a lot of Nazi recruitment.
I like the theory, but in practice it’s dangerous to give seemingly equal platforms to everyone. Some people have views that should be checked at the door.
This is great, that machine has some funny weird details on it. The weld going over the bolted-together frame at ~5 o’clock on the photo is so silly. All the handles, levers, wiring, pullies going to nowhere
And in a few days, the gym will be nuts!
And they were made inoperable in the laziest way possible. Like someone bumped a cabinet and ALL of them broke. Easy, no more time travel.
Fine enough for a kid’s book, but it tried to take itself WAY more seriously than that, just to continue to pick up and drop plot points and ideas constantly. I wouldn’t mind it if a fair few people didn’t hail it as if it’s a great work
I have the J Saux dock. I hate how aggressive their marketing is, very astroturfy, but it has been good for my deck with some peripherals.
You had me with LOTR for a sec 😂
Wow that is a hot take