WP8 still has the most responsive and fluid UI I’ve used on a phone.
WP8 still has the most responsive and fluid UI I’ve used on a phone.
Nice! Looks like something Hirosaki city could adopt for its spring festival.
Intressant förslag! Man kanske skulle kontakta sin ledamot i Riksdagen och se om de nappar eller redan tänker i samma banor.
No, i can’t unsee the face hugger
Xenoblade X is out on Switch on 20 March. Will you give it a go?
Just nu 6 st på akuten varav 5 st med skottskador. En lindrigt, 3 st värre men inte livshotande, en person med livshotande skador. Hoppas de alla klarar sig.
Nice art and great games on the 3DS! I was a bit disappointed in BD2 for Switch though. A Bravely Third in the same metaverse as Default and Second with Octopath graphics would have been cool.
Ebba grön intensifies
Sånt här generellt känns som onödig administration. Samma för statliga universitet och deras lokalhyror, kommunala bibliotek som hyr svindyra lokaler av kommunen osv. Fastighetsbolagen gör vinster ofta också vilket gör det lite lustigt.
Growing up:
The frog looks cool af
I really hope she’s wearing something underneath
Wife is out for the evening, so I’m having a couple of beers, doing laundry and playing Baldurs Gate 3.
No clothes in the sauna!
Sincerely, Nordic countries
Work during the downtime, play the rest of the day when servers go up again!