• 83 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • If you think centrist dems will vote for Trump because the other option is a gay man, that’s crazy. If you think the far left will vote for Trump over Kamala because she’s a cop, you’re crazy.

    Its not centrist dems who are in charge of this situation. Its Joe “Independent” who kinda-sorta is flirting with Ron DeSantis’s Don’t Say Gay bill and has eaten 8 years of anti-Democratic women propaganda from the right. Kamala is a difficult to pronounce name and she ain’t exactly white looking. My racist buddies don’t like her face or how she talks.

    Honestly, I think Kamala has a chance vs Trump directly. She’s much more of a “fighter” type and I actually think her lawyer background would keep her more witty than both Trump and Biden. But you’re severely mistaken about the nature of Kamala’s problem as a Presidential top-of-the-line leader of the Democrats.

    People in the USA are racist fucks, and the moderates who flip the vote are “mildly racist” (not enough to say they’re against Kamala or Clinton on womanhood alone, but instead use weasel words like “Not strong enough” or “Bad politics for Russia”, etc. etc.).

    The main benefit we anti-Trumpers have going for us (note: I’m not a liberal), is that you Liberals have +4 more years off GenZ entering the voting pool and Conservatives have -4 years of Baby Boomers dying off.

    GenZ / Youth Vote is famously finicky but if everyone just votes the same as 2020, this is all quite in Biden’s favor actually. Do you think Biden’s performance yesterday was truly so bad that “Joe Moderate” is flipping over to Trump now?

    I don’t think so. Add the GenZ (however tepid their turnout will be) and we got this.

  • Rest assured, Biden’s methodology has reached across the aisle and really solidified my support for him. I’m not liberal in the slightest and I recognize I’m probably a minority of people who considers themselves “conservative”. But Biden’s approach did reach out to me in a way that no other Democrat has.

    I think you’re underestimating Biden.

    That’s where my confusion comes in. I really don’t think Trump did very well on that stage, and you should instead be talking about how Trump literally defended January 6th to your cohort. Instead of a few missed lines and typical Biden blunders.

    Biden always sucked at these debate settings. Yes, he’s older and even worse at it, but Biden wasn’t really that good in 2020 either. None of this shit is new to Biden voters.

    Liberals really go hyperbolic and freak out at little things. Yall should learn from the Conservatives and I dunno… put a bit of Trust in the leader yall chose? Republicans have put too much faith in Trump, but Democrats consistently put too little faith in their leaders (and this entire episode of people calling on Biden to step down / be replaced is a continuation of this Democrat tradition).

    So Trump is a charismatic liar / Reality TV Star who uses his literal WWE experience to form a bullying debate style that’s popular amongst the US Public. You already knew that, right? How else did you think this would go? It went like this last time in 2020.

  • Yeah, but you’d vote for Biden too.

    The question isn’t about who you or I’d vote for. The question is who’d “Joe Moderate” would vote for?

    And spoiler alert: “Joe Moderate” isn’t exactly a feminist or LGBT ally. “Joe Moderate” is the various citizens of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan who flipped from Red to Blue in 2020.

    So you’re saying Joe Moderate is going to vote for a Female Governor? An openly gay politician? Or the California man who is proudly pushing ACCII to force people to buy Electric Cars? I don’t think so.

  • Are you sure anyone who actually gets picked in such a deal could unite the Democrats on Ukraine, Israel, Roe v Wade, LGBT, Unions, Trade issues like Biden has?

    The reason why Republican support is strong is because Republicans rally when Trump makes a mistake or stumbles. Democrats do this shit. Yall just backstab the party leader in vain attempts to pull the party left. You think Republicans aren’t keenly aware of Trump’s failings in this last debate? They’re mostly happy because of topics like this one, clearly showing Democrats are a group who get easily shaken. They know they can use this public display of worries against you guys.

    In any case, I’m voting for “Not Trump”. If its Biden, so be it. If its someone else… no promises I can vote for them too. (Biden ultimately has done a lot of stuff to pull me over from the Republican side and join your cause this year. But my vote is severely at risk if you push too far left). I’ve considered myself a lifelong Republican before this bullshit from Trump these past 8 years.

  • I’m not into Democrats, so I honestly don’t know half the people on that list.

    Newsom needs to start resigning today to make the election. I think he’s off on technical grounds. And others have pointed out that he’s lower than Trump on a lot of polls. Buttigieg is homosexual and sad to say it, homophobia is on the rise. After the party’s experimentation with Hillary Clinton / Kamala I’m not sure that its a winning strategy. I know middle-aged white guy WASP is annoying, but its a trope for a reason.

    In all cases, Trump will deny the other pick as a “loser” and refuse to debate. You’ll be going into the election without ever getting on National stage. Its a huge set of risks.

    I’m not necessarily against it. But I also don’t think Biden’s performance was worse than Trump’s last night. A lot of this seems to be just Democrats getting nervous about themselves and their own choices.


    I see she’s getting some press. I wouldn’t be against her, but I also don’t know much about her in general. Can she hold up against the Republican hate machine? We all know that Hillary couldn’t do it, so what makes Whitmer any better or more prepared?

    Biden did hold up vs Trump. Better or worse, he did prove himself. I recognize that people are worried about “newer, older Biden”. But there’s severe risks in switching a candidate now, especially as vetting likely hasn’t been completed by either side yet. (Democrats need to vet to figure out how Republicans are going to attack her). Its a complete mystery.

  • Who?

    Kamala? She’ll lose to Trump.

    Newcom? Not even liked in California.

    Pete Buttigieg? LGBT rights are being wiped out right now because a huge upswing in recent homophobia and you think an openly gay candidate has a chance?

    You need to start listing names if you want this discussion to be taken seriously. There’s a reason why Biden was chosen in the first place, because no one could list a better choice. The same problem exists today.

    Just give them someone they aren’t completely ashamed of.

    People are surprisingly creative at being ashamed of Democrats. But are never ashamed of Trump. At some point, you need to just stop being so ashamed at the Democrat’s current choice: Biden.

    I recognize this is a tough time, but you need to seriously start listing names. I’m not a Democrat so I’m not going to be at the primary or convention or whatever. But I would like to see a strong Democrat party so that I can confidently vote against Trump in November. I don’t care if its Biden, Pete or whoever honestly. But this gnashing and wailing when you can’t even deliver a name in your post is annoying to me.

  • Running someone fresh that appeals to this American Idol-esque popularity contest = good.

    What if no such person exists?

    Then you just lose and Trump becomes President by default. Do you have confidence that Democrats can rally behind an actually named person? And if so, what is the name of that person?

    I’m no Democrat. But I wouldn’t consider “replacing Biden by somebody” to be a serious option. You need to say “Replace Biden by SPECIFIC NAME HERE”. Otherwise you’re just throwing away the election before it even begins.

  • Also it’s highly illegal to bet on an event you are part of (although that doesn’t seem to stop trump from doing other things).

    Illegal to who?

    FBI? Or some poor IT administrator who gives no shits about this issue?

    Additionally, to sway public opinion, influencing pollsters

    You’re using the fucking betting market as a poll. A system that is innately, and provably, influenced by money. Not even indirectly, but DIRECTLY influenced by money.

    Then you paper over this fact by saying “but people want to make money”, ignoring the fact that these campaigns are literally spending $100,000,000+ sums, losing money throughout a whole campaign to try to change public opinion by about 5%.

  • I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of personal computing device would fit in these power envelope.

    I dunno if this is what I want, but I like the idea anyway. ESP32 is like 500mW class or so (very rough estimate because I don’t care to look it up right now lol). So you can get more than 24-hours of processing with 4x AA cells or 18650 Li-ion.

    I feel like there’s something ‘under’ the classic smartphone that might still be useful as a personal gadget. But alas, smartphones are an always in your pocket device today. Bluetooth keyboard + Phone would be a more practical note taking application.

    Maybe this same thing, but instead as a minimalistic SSH shell for computer IT tasks? I like the design of this things keyboard at least.

  • Alas, the most problematic part of the energy curve is the “Duck Curve”, of which only natural gas has been identified as a solution so far.

    The setting of the sun does not coincide with higher winds. The elevated winds are deep at night when everyone’s asleep but the grid is actually 1/2 power usage IIRC compared to daytime usage. Not really the 7pm period where solar grossly diminishes (sun is low enough that solar barely contributes anymore), but the day is hot enough that Air Conditioners run, and everyone is home doing laundry or other energy-costly tasks since they’re still awake.

  • But my net negative power usage from the grid means that I’m using less energy than I feed in when it isn’t shinning out.

    Grid scale batteries do not exist yet, outside of pumped hydro. And honestly, they might never exist (Sodium Batteries in 2 or 3 years are our best bet at grid-scale energy, but maybe that’s not good enough. We dont know because they don’t exist yet).

    So, it. Balances out

    No. If there’s no grid energy storage mechanism, then the power is wasted during the day, and the natural gas spins up at night.

    Apologies if you’re not aware that the grid isn’t a magical energy storage device. But… it isn’t. The tech for energy storage does not feasibly exist yet on any large scale.

    Wind is an option but only in windy areas and windy times

    So, it. Balances out. (And in the near future I’ll get a residential battery for night. Those are freaking expensive, though.)

    I wouldn’t bother. When battery storage tech becomes feasible, the utility companies will buy it for the whole grid. Residential batteries are just for those who are tricking themselves into thinking these things are feasible.

    The #1 “battery” is pumped Hydro right now. No joke. Running water up a hill with excess electricity absolutely works as an energy storage mechanism. The best battery techs will be exceptionally large systems (Pumped Hydro. Compressed Air, etc. etc.) that take advantage of these effects.

    Even “Wind” energy is actually an energy storage solution due to the massive momentum the wind turbine arms have. So unlike Solar, a lot of Wind plants self-regulate and self-store their energy.