chickentendrils [any, comrade/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • If you control the device and can root it, you can definitely fake the connected wifi SSID, the list of available ones, whether you are in fact using Wi-Fi etc with Xposed but it’ll probably take research into the current landscape that I’m no longer familiar with. There is no perfect software method on unrooted Android for fake GPS, depending on how motivated the app dev was at detecting it.

    I’ve got one of those hardware GPS spoofers that attaches to the handset, basically jams GPS and impersonates the satellites. Works well. I don’t know of a comparable piece of hardware that would both jam wifi for a handset and present a fake SSID unfortunately.

    If you can leave the handset in one place you could also remote into it, software like DroidVNC-NG can let you access it from another handset.

  • If you already know the channels, there are some Telegram -> RSS conversion services on the web that I’ve used successfully for just observing.

    When I had to use it at one point to get in touch with someone, I used a spare prepaid MVNO SIM card that had been bought with cash (hat + mask optional). Signed up a no-data plan so I had a phone number for 5$/mo to register and then cancelled the plan. Personally I switched to a client on F-Droid called forkgram if I recall which showed up as com.telegram.messenger.something on its app tile, but had all the “premium” features enabled somehow.

    Btw, if you have an old phone lying around, odds are you hack it to can change its IMEI nowadays. And most MNVOs don’t use device IMEI allow-lists even though they’re reselling networks like AT&T which try that crap.

  • The deep political establishment is infinitely more interested in funneling people to Alex Jones-types or Tucker Carlson than anyone with an actual critique. Right now they’re kind of slowly trotting out the JFK stuff, crucially couched within the whole “GLOBALISTS” thing that if necessary whichever faction of powerful actors manages to seize control in the future can distract the public for a bit longer by excising only the “bad capitalists”.

    What I do is clear watch history if I accidentally watch something on the website itself, but on the account where I actually want good recs I haven’t updated my watch history for 7 years now. It just cuts off at a point and anything new I watch gets marked “not interested” (which does seem to work for me, I think continuing to watch and have updated watch history contributes to them reappearing, but for anyone else you can also report them for violence and such to make sure they stay hidden).

    There’s addons for browsers to send youtube links directly to mpv, you can use a proxy.