• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024

  • The USDA told Reuters that Mexican exports from the western state of Michoacán have not been blocked. Additionally, avocados and mangos already in transit wouldn’t be affected by the suspension of inspections, which would be paused “until further notice.”

    So we’re saying “if you beat up our people, we’ll stop enforcing our policies and still do business with you”


    I’ll make a point to not buy Mexican avocados and mangos until this is fully resolved because who knows what’s happening with them if the people who are charged with ensuring their safety get beaten up.

  • Or, it’s because whoever is doing this hates freedom of information and historical evidence. There’s a long list of powerful people and governments who have the resources and will to carry out these attacks.

    Cyber warfare is real, and the Internet archive is a museum and library of culture and truth. It provides evidence and context to our past.

    As in conventional war, it is valuable to the amoral to destroy culture and truth in order to control it. Many would like to kill that to supplant it with their version of events that can’t be refuted with evidence.

  • Reddit did that and then instantly multiple serious competitors began to siphon off their power users both out of principle and practicality, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    YouTube i think understands to not cross the line because if they no longer have a monopoly on mid to long form content their golden goose dies. People are already on edge after a long sequence of attacks against non-premium users.

    Personally, If they do do that, and at least some amount of the channels I care about move to a different platform, I’ll happily move with them and cancel my YouTube premium.

  • cAUzapNEAGLb@lemmy.worldtosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netchoose your champion
    1 month ago

    The issue is that you called it dumb because you interpret it as “only children” are enlightened enough to see the tree as a tree.

    But I don’t believe that is the intent of the comic, instead, they simply drew a child as a shorthand representation for the concept of enlightenment.

    I believe any person can be so enlightened to see something as it is, and not what it could be made into if they wanted to.

    Therefore, I don’t think the comic is dumb as you stated. I think the comic is attempting to motivate people to see things as they are and be enlightened.

    Also there was a little humor in the misspelling of a common word when calling something dumb, in the way of “kettle calling the pot black”

  • cAUzapNEAGLb@lemmy.worldtosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netchoose your champion
    1 month ago

    Many of our words are the same, but you asked a question and I provided an interpreted answer.

    Edit: To say it specifically

    The fourth character was drawn as a character representing an enlightened perspective. Rather than having multiple panels or having text to describe this, the character was drawn as a child as a shorthand since children come with that association in most cultures.

    This is opposed to the other characters drawn in different walks of life’s who have their own unenlightened motives which we assume by default within the context of the forth panel.

  • It’s drawn for comedic effect, but ideally it should be in a proper holster (it can still be in that area, like an appendix holster), that covers the trigger and protects the hammer - prevents it from falling out - and also ensures the weapon is always pointing slightly away from the body towards the ground

  • In a way, yes.

    Historically, the US fought a war to not be the UK. There was an earnest attempt to enshrine freedoms to privacy and thought from the beginning of this governments creation. With the ability to enforce free thoughts through explicitly allowing speech and weapons, along with the ability to reject search and intrusion from the state (outside of due process)

    I think it’s important for people to be able to be private and to have secrets. People act differently when there’s trust that they are not observed and will not be observed.

    I think it’s cruel to confine the human experience to only being in the “observed” state of mind.

    Being able to secretly meet people, and go places without others knowing, and have private conversations, and to own and make things secretly is important to me. They don’t have to be nefarious or even embarrassing, a person on principle can just want something to be private, rational or not that should be allowed by default.

    If I went on a hike alone to clear my mind, and then stumbled into a tracking camera on the trail, my mood would be changed. I would feel compelled to play a performative role and manage my appearance and actions and regulate what I say and do in a way that I wasn’t before that feeling of privacy was broken. Even more so if I knew that camera was live reporting with ai identification and analysis to the government.

    This privacy is already barely existing anymore, I feel compelled to oppose any new invasion of privacy and to make attempts to carve out new privacy where I can.

  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeidasTouch#History

    The group name and slogan come from their mother and father, combining their father’s last name, Meiselas, and their mother’s maiden name, Golden,[14] while alluding to the mythological Greek king Midas known for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold.

    On July 21, 2023, MeidasTouch filed paperwork to rename itself to Democracy Defense Action,[19] and later that year, news reporting indicated the MeidasTouch name was being used for a news network called MeidasTouch Network

  • I’m not sure about this gate keeping.

    When I was first accepting this part of my identity and thinking structure, and why I’d react in certain ways - it really helped me become comfortable by dipping my toes in and saying “well, I’m a little bit autistic, so what?”, before getting more comfortable and understanding of who I was and the masks I was wearing and that it was ok to take them off and say confidently “I am autistic, so what.”.

    I think we should allow people that grace to slowly take off their masks at their pace, and if some people improperly co-opt that, so be it

    Someone unsure of being “a little autistic” doesn’t hurt me, provided it’s only an introspective admission.

    There’s a difference if they say “well, I’m a little autistic, so I don’t think someone else needs support or dignity” of course, and those people should be opposed.