• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I get where you’re coming from, skepticism is healthy and, honestly, necessary when it comes to big promises about tech solutions for climate change. But I think it’s worth taking a second look at carbon capture technology. It’s not about being gullible; it’s about exploring all our options to tackle a massive issue. Sure, it’s had its share of ups and downs, and, yes, it requires substantial investment and development to be viable on a large scale. However, it’s far from a scam.

    I worked as a researcher in advanced materials for carbon capture, an alternative to the traditional carbon capture that uses amines for “capturing carbon” (a better term would be “carbon separation and storage”, BTW). The TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of amine-based carbon separation is 7, meaning that it has been implemented in large-scale facilities in operating conditions (specifically, at the Petra Nova Power Plant, which unfortunately closed down due to the low oil price during COVID). The rest of the carbon separation technologies (adsorption media, membrane, cryogenics, etc.) have not yet passed TRL 4 or 5, but they are expected to continue to find niche uses. Bottom line is that all of the methods WORK technically, but decrease power generation efficiency, so they may or may not work economically. Regulations and quotas could lift this obstacle.

    Dismissing it outright as a ‘scam’ might be overlooking the potential benefits it offers in reducing CO2 emissions. It’s definitely not the sole solution, and we need a broad strategy that includes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and conservation. In fact, the main obstacle that “carbon capture” technologies face is in terms of public opinion, with companies branding the technology as a “silver bullet” that magically makes all previous and present emissions go away, sometimes without even investing in the research and development necessary to make it work, like ExxonMobil did. Or they imply that since they are doing “carbon capture,” the other strategies are obsolete, which is definitely not the case.

    However, writing off carbon capture entirely could mean missing out on a valuable tool in our fight against climate change. Let’s keep the conversation open and critically assess all possible solutions, including this one. What do you think?"

  • Ok, that was exactly my point earlier. I thought that since some countries experience annual cicadas, the U.S. experiencing both periodical cycles simultaneously would be similar to what other countries experience every year. However, I was wrong. It turns out that the numbers for periodical cicadas are much, much greater than those for the annual types. So, indeed, just their sheer numbers will make them a spectacular event. Sorry for the misunderstanding. TIL

  • I think the biggest distinction is that in addition to pork bones, they also add chicken bones and vegetables to the broth to make it richer. Also, they add pepper oil and garlic as topping. The raw egg yolks are not part of the style, they’re an “unorthodox” (because it deviates from the traditional style), but delicious addition by the restaurant.

  • Here’s my personal opinion about this picture. I believe that you selected the boat and it’s wake as your main subject for this frame. If so, in my opinion, they are too hidden in the frame. There’s nothing that makes them stand out; on the contrary, the cliffside hides it. You mentioned the contrast between the dark water and the brightness of the cliff side. I think that since both are part of the background, this big contrast actually deviates the attention from the main subject, the boat and it’s wake. Normally, placing the boat on the right side would remove a part of the story (i.e., the destination of the boat, since it is a moving object). However, since one of the things that caught your attention of this scene was the boat’s wake, I think including more of it makes sense. Then your story is not its destination anymore, but its speed, beauty, etc. Consider the stroy that you want to transmit when composing. Dead space is not a problem, the important thing is main subject and background separation (contrast), and main subject emphasis, both which could be improved in this frame.