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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    5 hours ago

    You mean you don’t have to like Kamala? I’m voting Kamala.

    Not fond of her, but she’ll do better than Trump by leagues and miles and make history while not rocking the boat or affecting any meaningful change. Libs will love her, she’ll be a democrat party darling. I bet she gets a second term.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldZoinks!
    10 hours ago

    But we’re fine with the gun and murder?

    Understand the way in which people commonly use iconic media figures in artistic, subversive ways to parody and highlight social issues. It’s a human thing, humans do it.

    You gotta try to fit in y’know.

  • I will never forgive the Democrat party for treating our citizens with such contempt. They literally hate us and think we’re all mindless idiots, in their feverish desperation to preserve the status-quo with their UberLib presidential candidate that they think they’re “above” actual politics, which consists of things like talking to people and listening to people’s concerns and creating easy-to-follow narratives with engaging leaders.

    Nope. They want line to keep going up and they will force this nightmare on you to keep it going up.

    You could have put nearly ANYONE on that state and they would have ran circles around Trump’s inept lying. Anyone. Get Bernie, get Newsom, get Kamala even, get fucking Hillary back and get her drunk. Literally ANYONE could have done better against the man most likely to win the presidency and also most likely to end democracy.

    The only reason I can imagine they think it’s safe to gamble this way is if they don’t actually care about the outcome. They don’t want change, they want the story to unfold the way they have already written it.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    16 hours ago

    I will cast my vote between tears but nobody ever promised preserving democracy will always make you feel good.

    In fact, I am close to launching into a really hard condemnation of every last one of you lazy-ass motherfuckers who expect everything to always play out like a 2-dimensional anime plot where you’re the good guy so you’re supposed to always feel good, and any struggles are easily overcome, and if it doesn’t play out like that, then you go full doomer-mode and grab your soapbox to preach how pointless life is just because you’re lonely but too scared to talk to a girl. Go back to your discord safe-spaces and let adults out here make the hard choices.

  • The hot tl;dr of this that is going to get you a lot of angry boys sending you incoherent diatribes is that we haven’t decided as a species that we will stop sexualizing youth.

    Yes there are biological imperatives for the sexually aggressive sex to seek out mates that are young, healthy and capable of producing offspring before they become too old to reproduce. That’s all a thing that’s real, but it’s as far distant in our past as most other ancient instincts that we’ve put to rest. We just keep this one alive because we want it to continue broadly. The whole notion of older men predating and sexualizing youthful appearances or “innocence” as standards of femininity is absolutely something that if we all decided together was no longer acceptable, it would end tomorrow. (Or realistically in one generation.) This is not a more natural part of us than anything else we choose to follow or not, because we are well above using any natural response system as an excuse to allow dangerous social norms to continue.

    The reason I say this is because there are a lot of men who will secretly or overtly hold the position that since we have biological urges, then it must be natural and acceptable. Meanwhile, ya’ll fuckers completely ignore the thousand other biological drives and standards that we’ve abolished because they’re unproductive, hurt people or just have gone out of style.

    For example: body odor. Do you really think we were using soap and perfume when we were packed together in huts and caves for the last thousand millennia? You are genetically identical to the people who used to bury their faces in each other’s armpits to identify each other in the dark, but the thought makes you gag now because you were socialized to feel repulsion at this. (Fetishes aside.) We can socialize ourselves to believe and internalize almost anything, we are far, far beyond the forces of natural selection and are now choosing our evolutionary path. Wouldn’t it be nice if we chose good paths that respected others and protected children.

  • To everyone else reading down here, lot of people also don’t really get this same idea with visual impairment and other handicaps.

    There are a lot of people who are legally blind, but that just means they can’t make out things at certain distances, and these are why we need things like high-visibility curbs and street markers and large-type text options and other accessibility features that able-bodied people in a wide field of industries often forget about and just assume either people are blind and won’t be using their products, or will have perfect vision. When really there are far more people who are considered deaf or blind who can still enjoy many of the same things as someone with fully faculties and just need a little extra help.

    I am only typing this out because we seem to entering a strange time in the developed world where more and more people are withdrawing from the social contract and not extending compassion towards others, particularly those with special needs.

    When I was little I thought the future would be a bright and remarkable place where people took care of each other, because those were the messages you see on PBS shows like Mr Rogers and Sesame Street. Turns out, a LOT of people didn’t watch those shows.

  • This post is literally about how hard it is to get a formal diagnosis. Nobody said they don’t want to do it.

    This post is about a doctor who makes money from her personal brand, website, books and speaking tours, telling people that getting a formal diagnosis is so hard that why should you bother. And now that you’re emotionally validated, why not visit her blog, store or youtube channel and subscribe?

    I genuinely don’t know if her material is good or not, I tend to lean towards it being pabulum and watered-down schlock like literally any speaking-tour psychologist without even reading it. But lets not make any mistake about what’s being peddled here and why.

    I don’t really appreciate discouraging people from getting professional care and diagnosis just because you have convinced yourself that your impersonal motivational messages are as good as personalized and in-depth care that a professional can offer.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlPull over
    2 days ago

    I genuinely cannot believe that people still care about this in the year 2024.

    Like, does anyone care if people draw animal people looking cute or sexy or just with human proportions or anything in between? Does it really bother anyone or is it just fun to try to bandwagon something that freaked some housewives out in the 90’s because some inside edition episode? It’s just drawings of animal characters like have been done for literal millenia. Imagine if some of the more “notorious” disney films came out today, people would lose their minds.