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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Not every german.

    But it’s depressing every time I talk politics with one and it turns out they’re a “leftist” who’s actually a liberal, or an “anarchist” who’s a zionist, or a “green” who supported ending all nuclear power (which restarted their coal industry), an “anti-imperialist” who only opposes Germany’s enemies.

    I expect this level of ignorance from American liberals who’ve literally never had a thought outside bourgeois democracy, half of Germany was communist until 30 years ago, they don’t have an excuse.

  • Dems could have had Bernie, Warren, Buttigieg, even Klobuchar, but Biden won pretty handily. That’s on people people.

    Is it though? The media confusing people by claiming Biden is more electable because his policies are closer to what republicans want isn’t on people, nor is every conservative candidate dropping out at once to endorse Biden, while Warren remained in to keep Bernie’s share divided (ensuring that none of the popular policies the former Reagan campaigner ran on were actually implemented), nor is the DNC giving Biden debate questions before hand.

  • level headed voice trying to minimize palestinian casualties

    Biden isn’t doing that though, you can’t send someone the bombs they’re using to cause those casualties and say you’re trying to minimize it. Minimizing Palestinian casualties would be using all tools at your disposal to make Palestinian casualties the as low as possible.

    The question is would you rather a president who openly facilitates the slaughter of Palestinians or pretends to oppose the slaughter of Palestinians while facilitating it.

    The answer is it doesn’t fucking matter, ethnic cleansing is ethnic cleansing.

  • I have been saying this since Obama.

    In 2020, people believed they were voting for healthcare, defunding the police, emptying the migrant concentration camps, protecting Roe v Wade, etc.

    When you fail to do the things that brought people to the polls, and do the things the opposition wants instead, the opposition’s voters still won’t vote for you and your own voters just don’t vote.

    Trying to appeal to moderate republicans just lowers your own voter turnout. The republicans will always vote for fascism over diet-fascism.

    But no, pointing out these very obvious mechanisms just gets me labeled as an evil conservative Chinese Putin-bot trying to disrupt the election.

    dropping out of the race at the convention

    The face of the party is infinitely less important than the impact the policies have on people’s lives. It doesn’t matter if it’s Biden or Pete Buttigeig at the front, the dems only shot in hell is to use every power at their disposal short of drone striking Trump and the SCOTUS (maybe) to demonstrate to voters that 1. They want the same thing the voters want (eg, not genocide) and 2. They will actually do those things (no blaming the parliamentarian or norms or some rules you set or fear the SCOTUS might ask you to stop).

  • These shithead illegal immigration policies probably wouldnt even be in the spotlight if scared old white people weren’t the biggest swath of participating voters.

    Fascists are never going to vote democrat.

    Triangulation doesn’t work. When you triangulate yourself to be 1 inch left of hitler, the people who want hitler vote hitler, and the people who wanted not-hitler don’t vote. When you get elected for being not-hitler, and proceed to facilitate genocide, people who wanted not-hitler don’t vote

    You learned nothing in 2020.

    You learned nothing when Obama lost the house and senate in 2010 after not pulling out of Iraq+afghanistan, ending the war on drugs, and doing other stuff that voters expected of him, instead tryed to reach out to moderate republicans.

    You learned nothing when Kerry lost after campaigning on doing the wars more competently in 2004.

    And you will learn nothing in November.

    Now what the fuck do we do about this impending presidential vote?

    Pressure Biden to cut off all aid to Israel and sanction them until they give equal civil rights to Palestinians and return their homes, use military hospitals to provide healthcare to women, send in the military to destroy the child-drowning fence on the rio, etc.

    Doing good things instead of bad things is only way Biden can hope to be reelected (no, the republicans or the parliamentarian or the SCOTUS or Joe Manchin or civility and norms aren’t an excuse).