
35 year old that enjoys games from 1980 to today. Pokemon/Final Fantasy fan. Loves RPGs. Twitch Affiliate. Trans woman. Other interests include bad movies, history, cheese and camp, leftist politics, and humor.

Mastodon profile: https://retro.pizza/@UngodlyAudrey

  • 75 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • It’s pretty damn naive to think that a second Trump presidency would be identical to his first. Trump may be a moron, but even he can learn. Members of his last administration managed to keep his worst instincts in check. It’ll just be syncophants this time around. Plus, the man is enraged by his court cases and is the middle of a massive cognitive decline that dwarfed that of Biden. This is not a reasonable or rational man. Putting Donald Trump in charge now is quite frankly suicidal.

    I mean, you can ignore the throngs of people waving “Mass Deportation Now” signs if you want. You can think to yourself, “It won’t be that bad”. People hold foolish opinions all the time. No matter what you think, though, rhetoric matters. Donald Trump is legitimizing this fascist shit to millions of people. Maybe Trump won’t do it. Maybe the next guy will instead. But the fact that we haven’t truly put a stop to this is an indictment of the American people. This is evil.

    And, tbh, I’m not sure he’ll even listen to the rich that much, anyway. He’ll ram through his stupid tariffs and he’ll attempt the deportations.

  • I’m doing a replay of Dragon Age Origins. Slogging my way through my least favorite part of the game(the Deep Roads) right now. I’m not that good at the game, so for the harder encounters, I’ve cheesed them by having one member of my party run forward to aggro one group, then run back to where the rest are in order to deal with them one group at a time. If I let my party fight normally, they accidentally aggro multiple groups and they get overwhelmed. That plus saving after every difficult encounter is helping me get through it.

    My warden is an elven mage; she’s mostly built for casting ice magic and healing. I usually use Alistair as a tank, Zevran as a dual wielding damage dealer and Leliana as an archer/support unit.

  • This is anecdotal, but the vibes I’m getting in offline conversations make me think that his low approval rating is accurate. There’s a lot of “Biden is too old, and hasn’t done much(which isn’t entirely true), but I’ll vote against Trump.” That’s great and all, but I live in a deep blue city(Seattle) and, honestly, I am deeply concerned about people who are more moderate, who aren’t as vehemently anti-Trump. I think the disconnect here is that we differ greatly in our faith that the Dems will turn out. They responded well in 2020 to kick Trump out, but I don’t know how much that fire still burns in the voting populace. Some people respond better to carrots than sticks, and while the threat of Trump is a hell of a stick, Biden is not much of a carrot. Not to say that Biden hasn’t done some good things, but I feel that the media and Russia have hammered Biden enough that I think the damage is done.

    That being said, however, I’m going to disengage here, and try to refrain from advocating that Biden step down going forward. Posting this thread was a mistake on my part, and I’ll take full responsibility for it. Anything that dampens enthusiasm for the Democratic nominee should be avoided at all costs, and by posting this thread and suggesting that Biden should be replaced, I was simply doing Russia’s job for them, and for that, I’m sorry. It’s not like we have any power over the situation to begin with. The party will decide whether to stick with Biden or not, and it’s our job to help make sure they defeat the fascists.