The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2024


  • The relevant comparison between Linux (FOSS in general) and Veganism here is that we’re at the stage of acceptance where the ceiling is how many potential allies who would immediately “get it” when presented with the idea. Making people talk about Linux/Veganism more is effective, even if it means being as loud and obnoxious as possible (all publicity is good publicity!)

    Yes, creating one Vegan is ten million times more desirable than creating one Linux user, but like most “radical progressive” ideas; I think one does more to reinforce, than steal breath from, the other.

    I’m willing to bet the average FOSS advocate is significantly more likely to be Vegan too.

  • I’m talking about the difference between having $0 and $1000 in your bank account vs the difference between having $1,000,000 and $1,000,000 +$1000 in your bank account

    He insists that $1000 is $1000 and it has no difference in its effect on your life whether it’s your first $1k or your 1001st $1k

    I argue that if you had $1million you wouldn’t even notice if $1k went missing, and if you did spend it, you would spend it on a fancy bottle of wine that costs 10x as much as the $10 box wine, while not bringing you 10x the happiness of the first, or like you mentioned, you would invest that money and it would give you passive returns.

  • Their endgame is hooking directly into the TPM chip on your phone/computer to ensure you can’t bypass ads, just like netflix, hulu, etc have done. Then the only recourse will be ripping all their videos to another hosting platform which they will then try to argue is a form of piracy.

    This TPM bypassing will eventually be done by essentially pointing a camera at a screen (modern TVs have encryption baked in so even the video in transit is DRM protected), at which point the video hosting companies will bake in small differences/invisible watermarks that uniquely identify which user’s account (which is linked to a real person who can suffer legal consequences) the video came from. Then we will have multiple cameras pointing at like 100 screens with an AI mixing them together to try to remove the differences/watermarks, at which point the hosting companies will create their own AI to counter and mislead the “piracy” AI pepe-silvia

    This is also why ISPs took away your ability to run a personal server on your home computer using NATs, firewalls, and dynamic IPs instead of just transitioning to IPv6.

    Also websites are going to start blocking firefox citing low user counts but you know what the real reason is nineteeneightyfour

    I 100% believe this will happen because making commodities do as many as possible between any given creator and end-user just so they can provide more “Services” no one asked for and thus extract more value for not actually doing anything is like the only trick capitalism has left.
